
Winsock和QOS 英文本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

Winsock和QOS 英文本
  • (美)Microsoft公司著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:北京大学出版社
  • ISBN:7301020406
  • 出版时间:2000
  • 标注页数:892页
  • 文件大小:144MB
  • 文件页数:909页
  • 主题词:


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Chapter1: Getting Around in the Networking Services Library1


How the Networking Services Library Is Structured2

How the Networking Services Library Is Designed3

Chapter2: What s In This Volume?5


Quality of Service7

Chapter3: Using Microsoft Reference Resources9

The Microsoft Developer Network10

Comparing MSDN with MSDN Online11

MSDN Subscriptions13

MSDN Library Subscription13

MSDN Universal Subscription14

Purchasing an MSDN Subscription14

MSDN Professional Subscription14

Using MSDN15

Navigating MSDN16

Quick Tips18

Using MSDN Online20

Navigating MSDN Online22

MSDN Online Features23

MSDN Online Registered Users29

The Windows Programming Reference Series30

Chapter4: Finding the Developer Resources You Need31

Developer Support31

Online Resources33

Internet Standards34

Learning Products35

Other Resources37


Chapter5: Writing Great IrDA Applications(with Winsock)39

What Is an Ad-Hoc Networking-Enabled Application?39

What Is IrDA?40

What Is IrDA-C(Previously Known as IrBus)?40

What Is Unique about IrDA?41

IrDA Core Protocols and Services41

Serial IrDA(SIR)Physical Layer(115Kb/s)41

Fast IrDA(FIR)Physical Layer(4 Mb/s)41

IrLAP Data Link Layer42

IrLMP and TinyTP42


IrCOMM Modes44

Windows 2000 Support for IrCOMM Through Winsock45

No IrCOMM Virtual Serial Ports on Windows 200045

IrDA and the Windows Sockets API46

Talking to Non-Windows Devices46

Application Addressing46

Data Transfer and Connection Close47

IrDA and Winsock Reference49








getsockopt(,,IRLMP_ENUMDEVICES,,)and connect()52


send and recv52


IrCOMM Client57

Windows 2000 IrDA Architecture60

IrDA Hardware Drivers60

Windows 2000 Multiple-Adapter Support61


Chapter6: Winsock2 API Overview63

Welcome to Windows Sockets 263

Using the Windows Sockets 2 API Document63

Overview of Windows Sockets 263

Windows Sockets 2 Features64

Socket Handles for Windows Sockets 265

Microsoft Extensions and the Windows Sockets 2 API65

Conventions for New Functions65

New Concepts, Additions, and Changes for Windows Sockets 266

Windows Sockets 2 Architecture66

Simultaneous Access to Multiple Transport Protocols66

Backward Compatibility for Windows Sockets 1.1 Applications67

Making Transport Protocols Available to Windows Sockets69

Layered Protocols and Protocol Chains69

Using Multiple Protocols70

Multiple Provider Restrictions on Select71

Function Extension Mechanism72

Debug and Trace Facilities72

Name Resolution73

Overlapped I/O and Event Objects73

Event Objects74

Receiving Completion Indications75

Asynchronous Notification Using Event Objects76

Flow Specification Quality of Service77

QOS Templates77

Default Values77

Socket Groups77

Shared Sockets77

Enhanced Functionality During Connection Setup and Teardown78

Extended Byte-Order Conversion Routines79

Support for Scatter/Gather I/O in the API79

Protocol-Independent Multicast and Multipoint79

Summary of New Socket Options80

Summary of New Socket Ioctl Opcodes81

Summary of New Functions82

Socket Data Type85

Deviation from Berkeley Sockets85

Windows Sockets Programming Considerations85

Select and FD_*86

Error Codes—errno, h_errno and WSAGetLastError86


Renamed Functions87

Maximum Number of Sockets Supported87

Include Files88

Return Values on Function Failure88

Service Provided Raw Sockets88

Byte Ordering89

Windows Sockets Compatibility Issues89

Default State for a Socket s Overlapped Attribute90

Windows Sockets 1.1 Blocking Routines and EINPROGRESS90

Graceful Shutdown, Linger Options, and Socket Closure92

Protocol-Independent Out-of-Band Data93

Socket Functions96

Summary of Windows Sockets 2 Functions96

Microsoft Windows-Specific Extension Functions97

Registration and Name Resolution99

Protocol-Independent Name Resolution100

Name Resolution Model100

Summary of Name Resolution Functions103

Name Resolution Data Structures105

Compatible Name Resolution for TCP/IP in the Windows Sockets 1.1 API108

Basic Approach for GetXbyY in the API109

getprotobyname and getprotobynumber Functions in the API109

getservbyname and getservbyport Functions in the API109

gethostbyname Function in the API110

gethostbyaddr Function in the API110

Multipoint Taxonomy111

gethostname Function in the API111

Multipoint and Multicast Semantics111

Windows Sockets 2 Interface Elements for Multipoint and Multicast112

Attributes in WSAPROTOCOL_INFO Structure113

Flag Bits for WSASocket113

SIO_MULTIPOINT_LOOPBACK Command Code for WSAloctl114

SIO_MULTICAST_SCOPE Command Code for WSAloctl114

Semantics for Joining Multipoint Leaves114

Using WSAJoinLeaf115

Semantic Differences Between Multipoint Sockets and Regular Sockets116

How Existing Multipoint Protocols Support These Extensions117

IP Multicast117

ATM Point to Multipoint118

Socket Option for Windows NT 4.0 Only119

Socket Options Specific to Microsoft Service Providers119

Additional Windows Socket Information119

Windows Sockets 2 API Header File—Winsock2.h119

Socket Option for Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 95120

Additional Documentation121

Chapter7: Error Codes in the Winsock API123

Error Codes123

Chapter8: Winsock 2 Functions133

Windows Sockets 2 Functions133

Chapter9: Winsock 2 Structures and Enumerations377

Windows Sockets Structures in the API377

Windows Sockets Enumeration in the API413

Overview of the Windows Sockets 2 SPI415

Using the SPI Document415

Welcome to Windows Sockets 2 SPI415

Chapter10: Winsock 2 SPI Overview415

Windows Sockets 2 SPI Features416

Microsoft Extensions and the Windows Sockets 2 SPI417

Socket Handles for the Windows Sockets 2 SPI417

Windows Sockets 2 Architectural Overview418

Windows Sockets 2 as a WOSA Component418

Windows Sockets 2 DLLs419

Function Interface Model419

Naming Conventions420

Windows Sockets 2 Service Providers420

Transport Service Providers420

Namespace Service Providers422

Data Transport Providers424

Transport Division of Responsibilities Between DLL and Service Providers424

Windows Sockets 2 Identifiers424

Transport Mapping Between API and SPI Functions426

Function Extension Mechanism in the SPI427

Transport Configuration and Installation428

Name Resolution Providers429

Name Resolution Model for the SPI429

Name Resolution Division of Responsibilities Between DLL and Service Providers432

Name Resolution Mapping Between API and SPI Functions433

Name Resolution Configuration and Installation433

Windows Sockets 2 Transport Provider Requirements434

Service Provider Activation434


Error Reporting and Parameter Validation436

Byte Ordering Assumptions436


Socket Creation and Descriptor Management437

Descriptor Allocation437

Socket Attribute Flags and Modes438

Closing Sockets438

Blocking Operations438

Pseudo vs. True Blocking439

Blocking Hook439

Canceling Blocking Operations440

Event Objects in the Windows Sockets 2 SPI440

Creating Event Objects440

Using Event Objects441

Destroying Event Objects441

Notification of Network Events441

Required Socket Grouping Behavior442

Socket Group Operations442

Recommended Socket Grouping Behavior442

Windows Messages442

Event Object Signaling442


Socket Groups in the Windows Sockets 2 SPI442

Quality of Service in the Windows Sockets 2 SPI443

Socket Connections on Connection-Oriented Protocols443

Binding to a Local Address443

Protocol Basics: Listen, Connect, Accept443

Determining Local and Remote Names444

Enhanced Functionality at Connect Time444

Connection Shutdown445

Reconnecting and Disconnecting448

Socket I/O448

Using Sendto While Connected448

Connecting to a Default Peer448

Socket Connections on Connectionless Protocols448

Blocking Input/Output449

Nonblocking Input/Output449

Overlapped Input/Output449

Support for Scatter/Gather Input/Output in the SPI453

Out-of-Band Data in the SPI453

Shared Sockets in the SPI455

Multiple Handles to a Single Socket456

Reference Counting456

Precedence Guidelines457

Protocol-Independent Multicast and Multipoint in the SPI457

Multipoint Taxonomy and Glossary458

Multipoint Socket Attributes459

Multipoint Attributes in the WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW Structure459


SPI Semantics for Joining Multipoint Leaves460


Using WSP JoinLeaf461

Semantic Differences Between Multipoint Sockets and Regular Sockets in the SPI462

Socket Options and IOCTLs463

Summary of Socket Ioctl Opcodes465

Summary of SPI Functions466

Generic Data Transport Functions466

Upcalls Exposed by Windows Sockets 2 DLL468

Installation and Configuration Functions471

Name Resolution Service Provider Requirements471

Summary of Namespace Provider Functions471

Service Installation in the Windows Sockets 2 SPI472

Namespace Provider Configuration and Installation472

Namespace Provider Initialization and Cleanup472

Service Query473

Helper Functions in the SPI473

Name Resolution Data Structures in the SPI474

Compatible Name Resolution for TCP/IP in the Windows Sockets 1.1 SPI477

Basic Approach for getXbyY in the SPI478

getprotobyname and getprotobynumber Functions in the SPI478

getservbyname and getservbyport Functions in the SPI478

gethostbyname Function in the SPI479

gethostbyaddr Function in the SPI479

gethostname Function in the SPI480

Sample Code for a Service Provider480

Service Provider Ordering495

Additional Windows Sockets 2 SPI Concerns495

Windows Sockets SPI Header File-Ws2spi.h496

Chapter11: Winsock 2 SPI Reference497

Winsock 2 SPI Reference497

Chapter12: Winsock 2 Protocol-Specific Annex657

Using the Annex657

Overview of Windows Sockets 2657

Microsoft Extensions and Windows Sockets 2658

Socket Handles for Windows Sockets 2658


TCP/IP Introduction658

TCP/IP Overview659

TCP/IP Data Structures659

TCP/IP Socket Options660

UNIX Ioctls660

TCP/IP Controls660

TCP/IP Function Details663


TCP/IP Raw Sockets663

IPv6 Support664

Text Representation of IPv6 Addresses665

TCP/IP Header File666


IPX/SPX Introduction666

IPX/SPX Overview666

AF_IPX Address Family667

IPX Family of Protocol Identifiers667

All Routes Broadcast668

Directed Broadcast668

Broadcast to Local Network668

About Media Packet Size669

How Packet Size Affects Protocols669

IPX/SPX Data Structures670

IPX/SPX Controls674

NSPROTO_IPX Socket Options675


DECnet Overview676

DNPROTO_NSP Protocol Family677

AF_DECnet Address Families677

Manifest Constants(Winsock2.h)678

Data Structures(Ws2dnet.h)678

Manifest Constants(Ws2dnet.h)678

DECnet Data Structures678


DECnet Function Details680

Connections Using Accept/WSAAccept/WSPAccept680

Structure Information for Bind/WSPBind682

Connections Using Connect/WSAConnect/WSPConnect682

Addressing with GetPeerName/WSPGetPeerName684

Receiving Local Name With getsockname/WSPGetSockName684

Using Getsockopt/WSPGetSockOpt685

Using Socket/WSASocket/WSPSocket686

DECnet Out-of-Band Data686

DECnet-Specific Extended Functions Identifiers686











DECnet Header File691

Open Systems Interconnection(OSI)691

OSI Introduction691

International Organization for Standardization(IOS)691

ISO Reset692

OSI Quality of Service692

Option Profiles692

ISO Qualified Data692

OSI Expedited Data692

Address Format693

OSI Data Structures693

OSI Controls693


Socket Options694

OSI Function Specifics695

Quality of Service695

OSI Header File695

ATM-Specific Extensions695

ATM Introduction695

ATM Overview696

ATM Data Structures696

Using the ATM_ADDRESS Structure698

ATM_BLLI Structure and Associated Manifest Constants699

ATM Controls701

ATM-BHLI Structure and Associated Manifest Constants701

ATM Function Specifics702

ATM-Specific Quality of Service Extension702

AAL Parameters703

ATM Traffic Descriptor704

Broadband Bearer Capability705

Broadband High Layer Information706

Broadband Lower Layer Information706

Called Party Number707

Called Party Subaddress707

Calling Party Number707

Transit Network Selection708

Quality of Service Parameter708

Calling Party Subaddress708


ATM Header File711

Other Windows Sockets 2 Considerations711

Secure Sockets Layer(SSL)711


Chapter13: QOS Overview713

QOS Documentation Structure713

Determining Which Discussion Is for You714

Additional Information on QOS715

About Quality of Service715

Introduction to QOS715

Windows 2000 Quality of Service Defined716

What QOS Solves716

Quality of Service Defined716

How Windows 2000 QOS Works718

Windows 98 QOS Notes718

QOS Header Files720

QOS Components720

Application-Driven QOS Components721

Network-Driven QOS Components724

Policy-Driven QOS Components726

RSVP and QOS729

Chapter14: QOS Programming731

Basic QOS Operations731

QOS-Enabling Your Application731

Opening a QOS-Enabled Socket732

Invoking the RSVP SP732

Providing the RSVP SP with QOS-specific Parameters733

Receiving QOS-Enabled Data734

Sending QOS-Enabled Data735

Closing the QOS Connection736

QOS Templates736

Enumerating Available QOS Templates737

Applying a QOS Template737

Installing a QOS Template738

Removing a QOS Template738

Built-in QOS Templates738

RSVP SP Error Codes739

Error Codes739

Error Values740

Service Types749



Primary Service Types750



Secondary Service Types751






Using Service Types753

Directional Implications of Service Types753

Examples of Setting the Service Type754

Use of the ProviderSpecific Buffer as a Receiver755

Use of the ProviderSpecific Buffer as a Sender755

Structure of the ProviderSpecific Buffer755

Using the ProviderSpecific Buffer755

Understanding Traffic Control756

How the RSVP SP Invokes TC756

Using SIO-CHK-QOS757

Disabling Traffic Control758

QOS Events758

Listening for FD_QOS Events759

Using WSAEventSelect or WSAAsyncSelect759

Using Overlapped WSAloctl(SIO_GET_QOS)759

QOS Event Codes760


Basic RSVP Operations761

Invoking RSVP761

Confirming RSVP Reservations762

Using the RSVP_RESERVE_INFO Object762

Disabling RSVP Signaling763

RSVP Reservation Styles763

Base RSVP Reservation Styles763

Default RSVP Filter Style Settings764

Overriding Default RSVP Filter Style Settings765

Mapping RSVP SP Parameters to RSVP766

RSVP PATH and RESV Messages767

Tspec, FlowSpec, and Adspec769

Mapping QOS Call Sequences to RSVP771

Sending Applications771

Receiving Applications775

Receiver Reservation Semantics778

Using WSAConnect to Join Unicast RSVP Sessions778

Using WSAJoinLeaf to Join Multicast RSVP Sessions780

Using WSAloctl(SIO_SET_QOS)During RSVP Sessions781

Use of Sendto and WSASendTo by Multicast Senders781

Chapter15: QOS API Reference783

QOS Functions783

QOS Structures791

QOS Objects798

Chapter16: Traffic Control API Reference807

Traffic Control Functions807

Entry Points Exposed by Clients of the Traffic Control Interface829

Traffic Control Structures834

Traffic Control Objects855

Chapter17: Local Policy Module API Reference859

LPM Functions859

LPM Structures875


Index: Networking Services Programming Elements-Alphabetical Listing879
