漫游全球网 最佳Web使用手册【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (美)(S.R.特林顿)Shannon R.Turlington著;吕华等译 著
- 出版社: 北京市:人民邮电出版社
- ISBN:7115067066
- 出版时间:1998
- 标注页数:356页
- 文件大小:22MB
- 文件页数:406页
- 主题词:
漫游全球网 最佳Web使用手册PDF格式电子书版下载
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第一部分 如何起步1
二、Netscape Navigator:漫游环球网的工具6
1.漫游南极大陆(A Tourist Expedition to Antaractica)14
3.白宫(The White House)14
4.朋友和伙伴(Friends Partners)14
5.与(Samantha)同行(Travels With Samantha)14
6.OTIS计划(OTIS Project)14
15.电子动物园(Electronic Zoo)15
13.加利弗尼亚大学古生物博物馆(University of California Museum of Paleontology)15
16.每日卡通网页(Doctor Fun)15
17.多媒体杂志《热线》(Hot Wired)15
18.Internet电影数据库(Internet Movie Database)15
11.九大行星(The Nine Planets)15
10.英语服务器(The English-Server)15
9.Internet公共图书馆(Internet Public Library)15
8.美国记忆(American Memory)15
7.网上博物馆(The Wemory)15
12.环球网络导航器(Global Nework Navigator)15
25.城市繁华区(Downtown Anywhere)16
30.巴伯叔叔的儿童主页(Uncle Bob s Kids Pages)16
29.儿童文学网上指导(Children s Listerature Web Guide)16
26.迪斯尼动画片主页(Disney Pictures Home Page)16
22.Ventana在线(Ventane Online)16
21.Internet商务中心(Internet Business Center)16
20.环球网体育(World Wide Web of Sports)16
19.Internet地下音乐档案(Internet Underground Music Archive)16
第二部分 看世界:地理、文化和旅游景点19
1.非洲艺术(African Art)19
2.非洲人国民大会(African National Congress)20
3.埃塞俄比亚:对一个国家的考察(Ethiopia:A Country Study)20
4.耶路撤冷综述(The Jerusalem Mosaic)20
10.非洲信息中心(African Information Center)21
8.非洲之页(Africa Page)21
9.非洲旗帜(African Flags)21
6.阿比西尼亚地区( Abyssinia Region)21
5.南非(South Africa)21
7.迷人风络上的非洲 (Africa on CharmNet)21
11.网上的非洲联络(African Links on the Web)22
12.卡万扎信息中心(Kwanzaa Information Center)22
13.中东国家的地图、图片和文化(Maps,Pictures and Culture of Middle East Countries)22
14.米洛尼行中央委员会非洲之页(Mennonite Central Committee Page on Africa)22
15.中东(Middle East)22
16.中东之旅指南(Travel World s Guide to the Midd le East)22
1.比瑞德极地研究中心(Byrd Polar Research Center)22
4.新南极时代(New South Polar Times)23
5.国际北极项目(International Aarctic Project)23
3.南极之路(Gateway to Antarctica)23
2.北极探险行(Arctic Adventours)23
6.南极旅游探险(A Tourist Expedition to Amtarctica)24
7.阿尔费雷德一韦格纳研究所(Alfred-Wegener Institute)24
8.北极圈(Arctic Circle)24
9.南极生活信息(Live from Antarctica Project)24
10.极地主页(The Polar Regions Homepage)25
11.世界一流的旅行(World Wide Wally)25
1.亚洲艺术(Asian Art)25
2.亚洲研究(Asian Studies)25
3.亚太信息(Asian-Pacific Information)26
4.印度之美(The Beauty of India)26
5.澎琅简介(A Brief Introduction to Penang)26
6.中国主页(China Home Page)26
9.印度尼西亚主页(Indonesian Homepage)27
7.喜马拉雅探险(Himalayan Expeditions)27
8.日本信息(Japanese Information)27
11.孟加拉国在线指南(Online Guide to Bangladesh)28
12.新加坡在线指南(Singapore Online Guide)28
13.新加坡历史和艺术在线博物馆(Online Museum of Singapore Art and History)28
14.新加坡(SunSITE Singapore)29
15.香格里拉主页(Shangri-La Home Page)29
16.旅游亚洲(Travel ASIA)29
17.访问尼泊尔(A Visit to Nepal)30
18.亚洲图书馆(Asian Library)30
19.迪蒂耶·米利特(Editions Didier Millet)30
20.日本之窗(Japan Window)30
21.东南亚研究(South Asia)30
22.南亚(South Asia)30
2.澳大利亚水资源(Australian Water Resources)31
3.澳大利亚指南(Guide to Australia)31
23.泰国WWW服务系统(Thailand WWW Services)31
1.澳大利亚国家植物园(Australia National Botanic Gardens)31
4.新西兰博物馆(Museum of New Zealand)32
5.新西兰(New Zealand /Aotearoa)32
6.澳大利亚艺术主页(AusArts Home Page)32
7.澳大利亚和新西兰(Australia and New Zealand)32
8.澳大利亚内陆(The Australia Outback)32
16.宾州澳大利亚和新西兰研究(Penn State Australia New Zealand Studies)33
15.新西兰政府主页(New Zealand Government Home Page)33
14.澳大利亚国家图书馆(National Library of New Zealand)33
13.新西兰山地自行车运动(Mountain Biking in New Zealand)33
12.梅金播音室(IIS Web Server Melbourne)33
10.海外教育项目(Down Under Travel)33
9.外出旅行(Down Under Travel)33
11.墨尔本ISS网络服务(Education Abroad Aprograms)33
17.“全球”澳大利亚和新西兰科学家的联系(The"Australian New Zealand Scientists Con-nection)34
1.加拿大社区地图册(The Atlas of Canadian Communities)34
2.加拿大公共政府(Canada Open Government)34
3.加拿大商务索引(Candian Business Index)34
5.加拿大环境(New Zealand/Aotearoa)35
6.加拿大文明博物馆(Canadian Museum of Canda)35
4.加拿大文化传统信息互联网(Canada Open Government)35
7.加拿大国立图书馆(National Guide of Canda36
8.新布伦斯维克旅游指南(Touring Guide of New Brunswick36
10.加拿大永久居留FAQ(Canadian Permanent Residence FAQ)36
11.加拿大资源专页(Canadiana:The Canadian Resource Page)36
12.网上国家地图册(National Atlas on the Net )37
13.加拿大多样化生物保护(Protect Canada s Biodiversity)37
1.加勒比海主页(Caribbean Home Page)37
2.海地美术馆(Haitian Art Gallery)37
5.秘鲁WWW(WWW of Peru)38
6.巴西网(Brazil Web)38
3.拉丁美洲信息中心(Latin American Information Center)38
4.玛雅寻访学习探险(MayaQuest Learning Adventuer)38
7.中美洲(Central America)39
8.加勒比研究所(The Insitute of Caribbean Studies)39
9.墨西哥和中、南美洲(Mexico,Central and South America)39
10.中美洲项目(South America)39
11.南美洲(South America)39
12.(South American Archaeology)39
13.南美洲十天隆水展望(Ten-Day Precipitaion Outlook for South America)39
14.在南美荒野的三周日子里(Three Weeks in the Wilds of South America)39
2.阿姆斯特丹频道(The Amsterdam Channel)40
3.捷克区和国(Czech Reepublic)40
1.土耳其博鉴(All About Turkey)40
6.冰岛旅游批南(Iceland Tour Guide)41
7.镜中的立陶宛(Mirror of Linhuania)41
8.比利时综述( Oveiview of Belgium)41
9.波兰主页(Polish Home Page)42
10.葡萄牙主页(Portugrese Home Page)42
11.西班牙(Si Spain)42
12.斯洛伐克文档(Slovakia Document Store)43
13.巴黎观光(Tour of Paris)43
15.Bitricci花园(The Bitricci Gardens)43
19.瑞士主页(Switzerland Home Page)44
1.中央情报局世界实情报告(CIA World Factbook)44
18.德国资源(German Resources)44
17.鲁纳百克项目(Project Runberg)44
3.辨路(Finding Your Way)45
4.地理信息系统(Geographic Information Aystems)45
5.地名服务系统(Geographic Nameserver)45
6.有多远?(Hov Far Is It?)46
7.Pery-Castaneda图书馆图集(Xerox PARC Map Viewer)46
8.足不了户的旅行者(The Virtual Tourist)46
9.环球观光(World Tour)46
10.Xerox RARC地图浏览器(Xerox PARC Map Viewer)46
1.帽网(Electronic Embassy)47
13.地理参考(Geogaphy Reference)47
12.绘图资源(Cartography Resources)47
11.古代世界主页9Ancient World Home Page)47
4.青年之声(Voices of Youth)48
5.第四届世界妇女大会(The Fourth World Conference on Women)48
6.在线联合国(United Nations Online048
1.帽网(Cap Web)49
2.能源部(Department of Energy)49
3.财政部(Department of the Treasury)49
4.联邦调查局(FBI)(Federal Bureau of Investigation)49
8.美国人口统计局主页(U.S.Census Buresu Home Page)50
7.托马斯:互联风上的法律信息(THOMAS:Legislative Information on the Internet)50
6.高等法院(The Supreme Court)50
10.美国政府超文本(U.S.Gensus Bureau Home Page)51
11.白宫(The White House)51
12.所在政治情况(All Things Political)52
13.民主党(Democratic National Party)52
14.FDA和食品安全(FDA and Food Safety)52
15.联邦网定位器(FedWeb Locator)52
16.政治网址旧页大目录(Grand Old Page Directory of Political Sites)52
17.联接你的加入地点(links Where You Can Participate)52
18.国家档案室(National Archives)52
19.在线政治信息网(PIN:Online Political Information Network)52
1.达兹博格的子孙(Dazhdbog s Grandsons)53
3.莫斯科克里姆林宫在线旅游(Moscow Kremlin Online Excursion)53
2.朋友与伙伴(Friends Partners)53
21.美国贸易部(U.S.Department of Commerce)53
20.在线美国军队(The U.S.Army Online)53
4.苏维埃档案显示(Soviet Archive Exhibit)54
5.圣·彼得堡(St. Petersburg)54
6.太阳网上的俄罗斯(SunSITE Russia)54
7.沙皇的遗产(Treasures of the Czars)55
8.亚美尼亚研究中心主页(Armenian Research Center Home Page)55
9.国家信息一俄罗斯(Country Information-Russia)55
10.旅行之路(Gateway Travel)55
12.俄罗斯中央图片(Pictures from Central Russia)55
19.俄罗斯回顾陈列室(Russian Reminiscence Gallery)56
20.冲刺的俄罗斯(Sprint Russia)56
18.俄罗斯文件包(Russian Portfolio)56
21.特伦多自行车页面(Trento Bike Pages)56
14.俄罗斯的法律法规(Russia Online)56
16.俄罗斯在线(Russia Online)56
15.独联体中的俄罗斯和其它国家(Russia and the Other States of the CIS)56
13.REES网络:俄罗斯与东欧之研究(REESweb :Russian and East European Studies )56
17.俄罗斯图片旅途(A Russian Phototrack)56
22.俄罗斯之窗主页(Windows-to-Russia Home Page)57
1.美国航线(American Airlines)57
2.加拿大国际航空公司(Canadian Airlines International)57
3.哥斯达黎加旅行公司联网(Costa Travel Online)57
7.旅行记录图书馆(Rec.Travl Library)58
5.国际旅行者诊所(International Traveler s Center)58
4.GNN旅行者中心(GNN Traveler s Center)58
8.旅行信息(Travel Information059
9.利用Samantha旅行(Travels With Samantha)59
11.蓝心旅行(Blueheart Tours)59
12.旅程回顾图书馆(Cruise Review Library)60
13.沿着花园小路... (Down the Garden Path)60
14.Internet旅游网(Internet Travel Network)60
15.孤独之星旅行指南(Lonely Planet Travel Guides)60
1.牛津外国人指南(The Alien s Guide to Oxford)60
2.英国漫谈(Br it Chat)60
6.爱尔兰虚拟旅行指南(vVirtual Tourist Guide to Ireland)61
5.项联邦指南(United Kingdom Guide)61
4.有关伦敦的信息(London Information)61
3.盖尔特人和盖尔特文化(Gaelic and Gaelic Culture)61
7.项联邦城市网页(CityNet s Page on the U.K.)62
8.新奇项国指南(略)(Guide to Offbeat Britain)62
10.民族艺术指南(National Arts Guide)62
11.旅行日记(Travel Diary)62
12.英联邦(United Kingdom)62
13.英联邦地理(United Kingdom Geography)62
14.英联邦信息(United Kingdom Information)62
1.美国南方主页(American South Home Page)63
15.威尔士页(Wales Page)63
3.大岛夏威夷(Big Isand of Hawaii)64
4.Blacksburg电子村庄(Blacksburg Elecronic Village)64
5.马萨诸塞剑桥市(City of Cambridge,Massachusetts)64
6.圣迪亚哥(City of San Diego)64
7.西好莱坞城(City of West Hollywood)65
8.康沓锹格指南(The Connecticut Guide)65
9.大峡谷(Grand Canyon)65
10.霍博肯页面(Hoboken X)66
11.奥斯丁一切都好(Home of Everything That s Cool in Austin)66
12.阿拉斯加信息(Information About Alaska)66
13.拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)66
15.纽约无纸指南(The Paprless Guide to New York City)67
16.费城自由网(Philadelphia LibertyNet)67
14.北卡来罗纳百科全书(North Carolina Eneyclopedia)67
17.盐碱地骑踪(Salt Grass Trail Ride)68
18.南佛罗里达环境的读者(South Florida Environmental Reader)68
19.南达科他州(State of South Dakota)68
20.得克萨斯、得克萨斯人和可拉摩(Texas,Texans and the Alamo)68
21.阿拉斯加网址(Alaska Web Site)68
22.亚利桑那网络服务机构( Arizona Web Severs)69
23.波德尔社区网络(Boulder Community Network)69
24.加利福尼亚环境资源评价系统(California Environmental Resources Evaluation System)69
25.南部文化研究中心(Center for the Study of Southern Cultre)69
2.人类学资源(Anthropology Resources)70
4.欧内达印第安国(Oneida Indian Nation)70
3.本民族的文学(Indigenous Peoples Literature)70
1.美国印第安计算机艺术计划(American Indian Computer Art Project)70
5.Powersowrce美国土著艺术和教育中心(Powersource Native American Art and Education Center)71
7.非洲裔美国人主页(African-American Home Page)71
8.亚裔美国人资源(Asian-American Resources)71
9.女权主义者和有关妇女的信息资源(Fourth World Documentation Project)72
10.第四世界文件编制工程( Fourth World Documentation Project)72
11.网上美国土著资源索引(Index of Native American Resources on the Web)72
12.Hispanic-Latino文化研究所(Insitute for Hispanic-Latino Culture)72
13.Mennonite在央委员会(Mennonite Central Committee)72
14.妇女的国家级组织(NOW)(The National Organization for Women)72
15.本地网(Native Web)72
16.Out.NOW!Alive(OutNOW! Alive)72
22.西蒙特之巅(Wetmont Hilltop)73
23.有关妇女的信息资源(Women s Resources)73
21.文化网络(The Web of Culture)73
24.World Cultures to 1500:互联网络信息资源目录(World Cultures to 1500:Internet Resources List)73
17.奇异世界(Queer Frontier)73
19.Shaman和美国土著资源(Shaman and Native American Resources)73
18.奇闻逸事栏目(Queer Rseources Directory)73
20.人类学资源(Sources in Anthropology)73
第三部分 文化博览:艺术与人文科学75
2.岩洞壁画(Cave Paintings)76
3.考古博物馆(Museum of Archaeology)76
4.考古协会(Archaeology Consortium)76
5.环球网上的考古学(Archaeology on the World Wide Web)76
6.北美洲的人类文化遗址(Arch.Net North American Archaeology Net)76
11.密苏里大学的艺术和考古博物馆(University of Missouri Museum of Art and Archaeology)77
1.安迪·沃霍尔博物馆( The Andy Warhol Museum)77
7.古化世界遍览(Diogenes Links to the Ancient World)77
10.康涅狄格大学的考古学(University of Connecticut Archaeology Page)77
9.网上人类学和考古资源(List of Anthropology and Archaeology Resource on the Web)77
8.法国考古(French Archaeology)77
2.街头巷尾涂鸦艺术(Art Crimea)78
4.微型艺术(Art Navigator )78
5.网络上的艺术联系(Art Links on the Web)78
8.网络艺术(Art on the Net)79
9.艺术服务(Art Serve)79
6.艺海导航(Art Navigator)79
7.艺术网络( ArtNet WEB)79
10.艺术优势( Art Edge)80
11.切斯利·博恩斯蒂尔美术馆(Chesley Bonestell Art Gallery)80
12.艺术论坛(Fine Art Forum)80
13.民间艺术和手工艺术吕展览会(Folk Art Craft Exchange)80
14.互联网上的免费艺术馆(Internet Art Museum for Free)81
15.克拉纳特艺术博物馆(Krannert Art Museum)81
16.优秀艺术的互联网(Intenet for the Fine Arts)81
17.达芬奇博物馆(Leonardo da Vinci Museum )82
18.OTIS计划(The OTIS Project)82
19.奇妙的相互影响(Strange Interactions)82
22.埃希匀的世界(World of Escher)83
20.网络博物馆(The OTIS Project)83
21.世界艺术瑰宝(World Atr Treasures)83
23.美国研究网(American Studies Web)84
24.艺术与爱滋病的联第(Art AIDS Link Project)84
25.艺术画廊(Art Galleries)84
26.RAKU艺术(The Art of Raku)84
27.艺术网络(Art sNet)84
28.艺术出版物:世界艺术宝库(Art s Wire Current)84
29.美国艺术(Art USA)84
37.以色列:犹太人的银匠铺子(The Israel Judaica Emporium;sailversmith s Shop)85
36.铁器时代的艺术品及制造工艺( Iron Age Arts and Crafts)85
34.GALERIA EI箭鱼座(The Galeria EI Dorad o)85
35.画廊漫步(Galery Walk)85
32.文明的探索组(The Civilized Explorer)85
30.艺术有限流通网(Arts Wire Current)85
33.南佛罗里达大学的艺术学院(College of Fine Srtd,University of South Florida)85
38.罗斯·安吉利斯镇艺术博物馆(Los Angeles County Museum of Art)86
39.联机艺术和工艺品资源名录( The Online Arts and Crafts Resource Directory)86
40.什么是新的网络艺术(What s New @ Art on the Net)86
41.威特利博物馆的美国艺术(Whitney Museum of Amerian ArtOnline)86
42.世界图书馆:艺术与工艺品(The World Library:Arts and Crafts)86
1.教育资源信息中心(Ask ERIC)86
4.西斯科教育档案馆(Cisco Education Archives)87
5.赛佰空间的中待学校(Cybrespace Middle School)87
3.高等教育档案馆(Chronicle of Higher Education)87
6.教育中心( Education Central)88
8.艾森豪威和尔国家效换中心(Eisenhower National Clearinghouse)88
9.技术教育(Eng ines for Education)88
13.GNN教育中心(GNN Education Center)89
12.环球网络学院(Global Network Academy)89
11.环境校园(Global Schoohouse)89
14.火奴鲁鲁社区学院(Honolulu Community College)90
15.美国国家太空署K-12教育互联网(NASA K-12 Internet Initiative)90
16.IBM教育亭( IBM Kiosk for Education)90
17.开放大学(The Open University)90
18.拉尔夫·邦奇学校(Ralph Bunche School)90
19.自费教育中心(Scholastic Central)90
21.耶鲁大学(Yale Univesity)91
20.美国教育部(U.S.Department of Education)91
23.教育应用图书馆(Education Virtual Library)92
24.Fullerton地方学校(Fullerton School District)92
25.环球校园网基金会(Global Schoolnet Foundation)92
26.教室中的无聊话题(Mushing in Clssroom)92
27.美国帕奇高级中学(Patch American High School)93
28.戏剧表演计划(Virtual Theater Project)93
1.非裔美国人知识集锦(The African American Mosaic)93
2.美国的回忆(American Memory)93
3.传记学字典(The Biographical Dictionary)93
6.历史题材档案馆(Hitorical Text Archive)94
5.新大陆历史展览(1492 Exhibit)94
4.卡洛斯博物馆(Carlos Museum)94
7.历史史实图书馆(History Virtual Library)95
8.内战时期士兵的家书( Letters from a Civil War Soldier)95
9.美国历史(U.S History)95
10.美国二战纪念博物馆(U.S Holocaust Memorial Museum)95
11.维京人网络(The Viking Network)96
12.声音图书馆(Voice Library)96
13.从“出洋相的学者”来看世界( The Word According to Student Bloopers)96
14.第二次世界大战(World WarⅡ)96
21.昆虫与人类社会(Insects and Human Society)97
19.花园、别墅与文艺术复兴时期的社会生活(Cateway to Word History)97
20.通往世界历史之路(Gateway to World History)97
17.欧洲站:历史空间/空间历史(European Borders:History of Space/Space of History)97
16.内战时期主页(The Civil War Home Page)97
15.美国研究(American Studies)97
18.欧洲、俄国和东欧(Europe,Russia,and Eastern Europe)97
23.建立违背时代发展的社会(The Society for Creative Anachronism)98
24.环球网虚拟历史图书馆索引(WWW Virtual History Index)98
五、语言与语言学(Language Linguistics)98
1.人类语言主页(Human Languages Page)98
2.记号与盲文指南(Signing and Braille Guides)98
7.Hruodoperht s Heim主页99
10.期坦福大学的语言学系(Linguistics Department at Stanford )99
8.语言资源(Language Resourses)99
6.哈斯金斯研究室(Haskins Laboratories)99
5.为旅游者配备的外国语言(Foreign Languages for Travelers)99
4.地球语言主页(Ethnologue Page)99
3.卡内基·梅隆语言学生页(Carnegie-Mellon Linguistics Page)99
11.语言学资源(Linguistics Resoutces)100
12.语言学家列表(The Linguist List)100
14.人类语言研究资源(Resources for Studying Human Speech)100
15.记号语言学资源(The Sign Linguistics Resourc es)100
1.政府政法、法律与社会(Government,Law,and Society)100
2.人权图书馆(Human Rights Depository)101
3.公民法定权力网(Legal Domain Network)101
4.法律信息协会(Legal Information Institute)101
5.通讯立法研究(Pepper Corazini)101
6.商务与劳资法律服务(Venable,Baetjer,Howard,and Civiletti)101
10.消费者法律主页(The Consumer Law Page)102
9.宪法法律(Constitutional Law)102
11.罪犯审判主页(Critual Justice Page)102
7.法律图书馆参考讲座(Virtual Law Library Reference Desk)102
8.美国法律协会网络(ABA Network)102
12.外国和国际法律主页(Foreign and International Aaw Home Page)103
13.互联网罪犯档案馆(Internet Crime Archives)103
14.法律信息主页(LawInfo Page)103
15.法律学校和法律学会(Law School and Legal Associations)103
17.法律列表(The Legal List)103
19.国际刑事审判办公室(Office of International Criminal Justice)103
24.美国民法图书馆(U.S.House of Representatives Civil Law Library)104
1.不列颠诗歌文献库(British Poetry Hypertext A rchive)104
25.环球网图书馆法律信息索引(WWW Virtual Library Law Index)104
22.如何避免性骚扰乱:每个职业妇女必备知识(Sexual Harassment:What Every Working Woman Need to Know)104
21.“衡量你的风险”主页("Rape Victim Advocaes)104
20.抢劫受害者的律师(Rape Victim Advocates)104
23.里士满大不法律预科手册(University of Richmond Pre-Law Handbook)104
2.剧作文库(Drama Archive)105
3.ETEXT文献库(The ETEXT Archives)105
4.互联诗歌(The In ternet Poetry Arch ive)105
5.互联公共图书馆(Internet Public Library)105
8.马克·吐温主页(Mark Twain Home Page)106
6.刘易斯的作品(Into the Wardrobe)106
7.迷宫(The Labyrinth)106
9.乏味的传奇文学(The Legend of Sleepy Hollow)107
10.诗歌主页(The Poe Page)107
11.代表性的诗歌(Representative Poetry)107
12.莎翁之骂(Representative Insult Service)107
13.每日一词(A Word A Day)107
20.挪威神话(Norse Mythology)108
19.神话与传说(Mythology Sites)108
21.网上书架(The Online Books Page)108
22.托尔金大事记(The tokien Timeline)108
17.经典作品文献库(Classics Archive)108
15.实用互联戏剧指南(Applied and Interactive Theater Guide)108
23.惠特曼的《草叶集》(Walt Whitman s Leaves of Grass)109
八、哲学与宗教(Philosophy Religion)109
1.通往圣经之路(The Bible Gateway)109
2.死海古代卷轴展(Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit)109
3.福音通讯网(Gospel Communications Network)109
4.Principia网(Principia Cybernetica Web)110
6.梵蒂冈展览(Vatican Exhibit)110
11.BJORN的哲学指南(Bjoru s Guide to Philosophy)111
14.网上天主教会宗教(Catholic Resources on the Net)111
13.卡纳基·梅隆的哲学(Carnegie Mellon Philosophy)111
12.BUBL环球网宗教主题目录(BUBL WWW Subject Tree)111
9.哲学分析法主页(Analytic Philosophy Page)111
10.水族馆世纪(The Aquarian Age)111
8.亚当与蛇(Adam and the Snake)111
7.关于巫术(about Witchcraft)111
15.凯乐特人正教会宗教(Celtic Or thodox Religion)112
16.中国哲学家主页(Chinese Philosophy Page)112
17.保罗二世声称教堂必须与计算机文化竞争(The Church Must Learn to Cope with the Computer Cultuer by P112
18.女神的盟约(covenant of the Goddess)112
19.赛柏禅宗主页(CyberZen Page)112
20.哥德堡大学哲学系(The Department of Philosophy at the University of Gothenburg)112
21.犹太信仰文件(Documents of Jewish Beliefs)112
23.宗教问题(Faces of Eeligion)112
28.天国(The Haven)113
27.印度神牛主页(Hare Krishna Home Page)113
29.榛子(The Hazel Nut)113
31.霍普金斯哲学主页(The Hopkins Philosophy Pages)113
26.Chabad文化指南(A Guide to Chabad Literature)113
25.录知档案( Gnoses Archive)113
24.容易混淆的宗教名词(Glossary of Confusing Religious Terms)113
37.LEISA的主页(Leisa Goodman s Home Page)114
38.轻松主页(Light! Page)114
36.犹太世界(Judaica World)114
39.新时代主页(New Age Web Works)114
40.大地女神的第九间房子(Nine Houses of Gaia)114
35.耆那教资源主页(Jain Home Page)114
34.伊斯兰教资源(Islamic Resources)114
33.伊斯兰教:进入并学习(Islam:Come and Learn)114
46.宗教和哲学(Religion and Philosophy)115
47.为了更好的世界与宗教一起工作吧(Religion Working Together for aBetter Word)115
45.QUAN YIN方法(Quan Yin Method)115
48.理查德·阿诺德主页(Riligion and Philosophy)115
49.ROUTLEDGE的哲学主页(Richardf Arnold s Home Page)115
44.黄铜牌(Plates of Brass)115
43.互联网上有关哲学的资源(Philosophy-Related Resourse on the Internet)115
42.哲学思想和认识资源主页(Philosophy of mind and Cognitive Resources Page)115
54.唯一神教派世界观教堂(Unitarian Universalist Church)116
55.唯心史观一神教派宇宙神教神学主页(Unitarian Universalist Theology Page)116
53.蒙蒂寓言中的题目在当代哲学中的研究(Themes in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy as Reflected in the116
56.现实天主教:圣经(Virtual Christianity:Bibles)116
57.威廉·詹姆斯:宗教演变的历程(William James:The Varieties of Religious Experience)116
52.Su Tzu s中国哲学主页(Su Tzu s Chinese Philosophy Home Page)116
51.一些圣经资源(Some Bible Resources)116
50.无范围科学(Science Without Bounds)116
2.(艺术)^n实验室((Art)^n Laboratory117
1.安塞尔·亚当斯(Ansel Adams)117
3.黑星摄影(Black Star Photography)117
7.游览加利福尼亚(California Virtual Tourist:Photography)118
6.Andreas Zamperoni的摄影(Andreas Zamperoni:Photigraphy)118
8.城市陈列馆(City Gallery)118
5.“云”的画廊(Cloud Gallery)118
4.加利福尼亚报影博物馆(California Museum of Photigraphy)118
14.150年间的摄影(150 Years of Photography)119
12.Jef s的照片(Jef s Photo Pege)119
16.电影和录像(Photography Film and Video)119
10.摄影史(History of Photography)119
9.145号陈列馆(Gallery 145)119
21.Santa Fe的摄影工作室(Santa Fe Workshop)120
20.在线的PLESCIA摄影服务( Plescia Photo Online)120
22.YAAHOO摄影展览(Yahoo Photography Exhibits)120
23.一号区照相室(Zone 1 studio)120
19.摄影视野(Photo Sight)120
18.热门出版物照片介绍(PhotoPLEX Online Bookshelf for Focal PressBooks)120
17.摄影信息(Photo Information Pages)120
3.英语服务(The English Server)121
2.辞典图书馆(Dictionary Library)121
4.NCSU图书馆(NCSU Libraries)121
1.不列颠联机百科全书( Britannica Online)121
7.AT T的黄页电话簿(AT T s Central Source Yellow Page)122
6.弗吉尼亚大学图书馆(University of Virginia Library)122
8.AT T的免费广告(AT T Toll Free Directory)122
5.联合目录数据库(UNCAT Database)122
13.国会图书馆(Libarary of Congress)123
14.电话区号大全(Phone Phinder)123
12.全球百科全书(Global Encyclopedia)123
15.快速参考(Ready Reference)123
16.信息中心(Reference Center)123
11.通用信息指南(General Information Desk Reference)123
10.人口普查资料(Census Bureau Lookup)123
9.名人名言(Bartlett s Quotations)123
21.Webster s联机辞典(Webster s Dictionary Online)124
十一、社会科学(Social Sciences)124
20.美国邮政服务(U.S.Postal Service)124
1.创造性的人文学主题(Humanities Text Initative)124
2.人文科学高技术协会(Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities)124
19.互联网服务(Teleport Internet Services Almanac)124
18.陶瓷电子学图书馆(The Scholar Library of Ceramics Electronic Reference Desk)124
17. Roget s联机百科全书(Roget s Thesaurus Online)124
3.史密斯苏里安学会(Smithsonian Institute)125
4.社会科学服务(Social Sciences Server)125
9.全国社会科学协会(National Council for Social Sciences)126
10.全国系谱学协会(National Geneaology Society)126
8.拜占庭研究图书馆指南(Guide to Library Resources on Byzantine Studies)126
11社会科学数据系统(Social Science Data System)126
12.社会科学信息入门(Social Science Information Gateway)126
7.埃弗顿出版集团的出版信息(Everton Publisher s Genealogy Help Page)126
6.欧洲社会学联合会(The European Sociological Association)126
5.电子报刊和图书(Electronic Journals,Papers,and Books)126
14.梭子的声音(Voice of the Shuttle)127
15.环球网实用人类学图书馆索引(WWW Virtual Library Humanities Index)127
13.国际社会科学入门(Social Science International Gateway)127
第四部分 科学探索:自然科学、数学和计算机应用科学网点129
3.天与地( Mapping the Earth and Heavens)130
2.天文活动中心(Hands-on Astronomy Astivitises)130
4.威尔逊山天文台(Mt.Wilson Observatory)130
5.九大行星(The Nine Planets)130
1.金星的面貌(The Face of Venus)130
7.行星数据系统(Planetary Data Systems)131
8.太阳系实况(Solar System Live)131
6.北极光天文馆(Northern Lights Planetarium)131
11.恒星和银河系( Stars and Galaxies)132
10.星图(Stargazer Map)132
12.太阳系大观(Views of the Solar System)132
9.关于太空的电影和动画(Space Movies and Animations)132
14.星云(Web Nebulae)133
16.行星欢迎你(Welcome to the Planets)133
13.黑洞与中子星(Virtual Trips to Solar System)133
21.依阿华大学遥感望远镜(University of Iowa Remote Telescope)134
20.希腊银行天文台(Green Bank Observatory)134
二、 生物学134
18.剑桥天文学(Cambridge Astronomy)134
4.生命游戏(Game of Life)135
3.生物网(Bio Web)135
5.国际交互性进化艺术(International Interactive Genetic Art)135
2.澳大利亚国立大学生物信息(ANU Bioinformatics)135
8.虚拟青埋解剖(Virtual Frog Dissection Kit)136
6.哈佛生物实验室(Harvard Biological Laboratories)136
13.劳伦斯·伯克利全国人类遗传中心(Law rence Berkeley National Labo ratory Human Genome Center)137
14.俄克拉何马大学生物科学(University of Oklahoma Biological Sciences)137
12.约翰·霍普金斯大学生物信息(Johns Hopkins University Bioinformatics)137
15.虚拟遗传中心(Virtual Genome Center)137
16.胚胎多媒体解剖(The Visible Embryo Multimedia Anatomy Tutorial)137
10.森林爱好者必读(Ghenome Database for Forest Trees)137
9.加州大学生物科学(California State University Biological Sciences)137
3.美国化学协会(American Chemical Society)138
2.元素(Web Elements)138
4.CSC化学(Chemistry at CSC)138
5.虚拟化学图书馆(Chemistry Virtual Library)138
1.化学产品目录(Fisher Scientific)138
2.计算机与社会责任(Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility)139
3.在线计算机词典(Free Online Dictionary of Computing)139
4.图标浏览(The Icon Browser)139
6.谢菲尔德大学化学系(University of Sheffield Department of Chemistry)139
7.Internet上计算机索引(Interactive Graphics Renderer)140
6.交互性图形展示(Interactive Graphics Renderer)140
8.漫谈Macintosh (Macintosh Chat)140
5.多媒体资源索引(Index to Multimedia Sources)140
11.NCSA虚拟现实实验(NCSA Virtual Reality Lab)141
10.麻省理工学院人工智能实验室(MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)141
12.PC加油站(PC Lube and Tune)141
9.Mac资源(Mac Resoures)141
15.Rob的多媒体实验室(Rob s Multimedia Lab)142
14.计算机安全(Quadralay Cryptography Archive)142
13.Power PC新闻(Power PC News )142
18.虚拟城市(The Virtual City)143
19.虚拟计算机图书馆(Virtual Computer Library)143
17.英国虚拟现实技术(UK VR-SIG)143
21.艺术和设计高级计算机中心(Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design)144
22.计算机写作(The Army for Computers and Writing)144
23.高性能军事计算机研究中心(Army High Performance Computing Research Center)144
25.IEEE计算机协会(IEEE Computer Society)144
29.全国超级计算机应用中心(National Center for Supercomputing Applications)145
33.剑桥大学计算机实验室(University of Cambridge Computer Lab)145
31.信息库(School of Informatics)145
30.Perl编程语言(Perl Programming Language)145
27.知识媒体研究所(Knowledge Media Institute)145
26.Windows系统交叉参考(Interactive Cross Reference for Export)145
28.软件本地化(Localization:Designing Software for Supercomputing Applications)145
2.气象报(Daily Planet)146
3.地球观测(Earth Viewer)146
6.宝石与矿物(Smithsonian Gem and Mineral Collection)147
8.地球情报综合服务站(Unidata Integrated Earth Information Server)147
9.美国地质调查(U.S.Geological Survey)148
17.全球能源报告(Ground Truth Earthwatch Research Report)149
18.天体物理报告(Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics)149
19.美国天气预报(Intellicast USA Weather)149
12.阿拉斯加火山(Alaska Volcano Observatory)149
13.环境美化中心(Center for Landscape Research)149
15.全球变化记录(Global Change Master Directory)149
24.绿色能源(Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living)150
27.太阳能(Solar Energy)150
26. Sierra俱乐部(Sierra Club)150
25.太阳能房屋(The Self-Sufficient Solar House)150
28.太阳能相关网点( Solar Energy and Renewable Energy Related Servers)150
23.走入自然(Project Nature Connect)150
22.舰艇实验室(Naval Research Laboratory)150
21.Solar主页(Mr.Solar Home Page)150
20.国际太阳能协会(The International Solar Energy Society)150
35.野生动物报导(Wildife Disappearing)151
34.气象站(Weather Processor)151
33.气象频道(The Weather Channel)151
32.美国环保署(U.S.Environmental Protection Agency)151
31.濒临灭绝物种(Taking Action for Endangered Species)151
30.南加利福尼亚地震中心(Solar Energy Applications Laboratory)151
29.太阳能利用实验室(Southern California Earthguake Center)151
1.码艺术馆(ASCII Art Archives)152
2.网点珍品(Best of the Net)152
3.电子协会(Electronic Frontier Foundation)152
4.EFF指南( EFF s Guide to the Internet)152
8.全球网络指南(Golbal Netword Navigator)153
5.电子邮件FAQs(E-mail FAQs)153
6.FAQ中心(FAQ Central)153
9.Gopher软件(Golbal Network Navigator)154
11.Internet接口服务器(The Internet Adapter)154
12.Internet术语汇编(Internet Glossary)154
13.Internet工具概览(Internet Glossary)155
14.IRC入门(IRC Primer)155
15.John December主页(John December s Home Page)155
16.凯文·休斯主页(Devin Hughes Home Page)155
17.邮递目录表检索(Mailing List Search)155
21.保罗·琼斯主页(Paul Jones Home Page)156
20.网络机器人清单(Nexor List of Web Robots)156
22.斯科特·亚诺夫主页(Scot Yanoff a Home Page)157
23.全球网杂志(3W Magazine)157
24.蒂姆· 伯纳斯·李自传(Tim Berners-Lee Bio)157
26.WELL服务站(The WELL)157
27.网上跟踪(Who s Online)158
28.全球网问答(World Wide Web FAQ)158
29.Internet用户手册(Zen and the Art of the Internet)158
30.ASCII码艺术问答(ASCII Art of the Internet)158
38.e-mail查寻(look up)159
37.Internet查寻(internet Search)159
36.Internet查寻服务(Infoseek Services)159
35.快速查找(Find it Fast!)159
34.FAQ索引(FAQ Index)159
31.Internet专业协会(Association of Internet Professionals)159
40.网上世界(The Online World)160
41.查寻专家(Savvy Search)160
42.查寻页(The Search Page)160
43.标准标识语言组织(SGML Open)160
44.初学园地(Starting Point)160
45.WWW查找工具(WWW Search Engines)160
1.分形显微镜(The Fractal Microscope)161
3.数学娱乐(Fun Math)161
2.分形图画和动画(Fractal Pictures and Animations)161
4.几何画廊(Gallery of Interactive Oanline Geometry)162
5.几何中心(Geometry Center)162
6.数学魔术(Math Magic)162
8.数字杂谈(Number Trivia)162
9.得克萨斯计算设备(Texas Instruments Combinatorics)163
10.数学专题(CSC Mathematical Topics)163
11.组合数学电子杂志(The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics)163
12.佛罗里达州立大学数学系(Florida State University Department of Mathematics)163
13.数学家档案(The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive)163
14.数学家斯蒂芬·考夫曼(Stephan Kaufmann)163
4.威斯康星医学院(Medical College of Wisconsin)164
3.病情诊断(The Interactive Patient)164
2.医学历史(History of Medicine)164
1.伤残服务(Disability Services)164
6.虚拟医院(The Virtual Hospital)165
7.医疗动态(The Abrotion Rights Activist Home Page)165
8.家庭保键(Abrse Pages)165
11.美国医学协会(American Medical Association)166
12.美国心理学协会(American Psychological Association)166
13.营养学家(Ask the Dietician)166
14.疾病控制中心(Centers for Disease Control)166
16.按摩医学(Chiropractic Resources)166
17.保健站(Department of Health and Human Services)166
23.保健指南(LifeLines Health Page)167
22.家庭保健(Homeopathy Page)167
21.保健与长寿(Health and Lonevity)167
20.医疗保健(Good Medicine)167
19.保健网点大观(The Good Health Web)167
18.戏剧疗法(Drama Therapy)167
30.美国妇女联合会(NOW and Abortion Rights/Reproductive Issues)168
33.询医之忌(Stupid Questions Frequently Asked (of Paramedics and EMTs)168
34.虚拟医学图书馆(Virtual LibraryLMedicine)168
29.精神病(Noodles Panic-Anxiety Page)168
28.草药大全(Natural Remedies Web Site)168
27.国家医学图书馆网络(The National Network of Libraries of Medicine)168
26.多媒体医学资料馆(Multimedia Medical Reference Library)168
39.世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)169
38.妇女健康(Women s Health Page)169
1.海上旅行(Safari Splash)169
36.成瘾药物简介(Web of Addictions)169
35.药学资料库(Virtual Library Pharmacy Page)169
3.斯蒂芬·伯奇水族馆(Stephen Birch aquarium-Museum)170
4.鲸鱼世界(Whale -Watching Web)170
2.海洋世界(Sea World)170
1.鲸鱼古化石(Charlotte,the Vermont Whale)171
2.自然历史博物馆(Field Museum of Natural History)171
6.伍兹霍尔海洋学院(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)171
5.国家海洋气象署(National Ocean and Atmospherics Administration)171
4.洛杉矶自然历史博物馆(Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County)172
6.加利福尼亚大学古生物博物馆(University of California Museum of Paleontology)172
3.夏威夷恐龙(Dinosaurs in Hawaii!)172
1.布朗高能物理(Brown High Energy Physics)173
2.早期物理学院设备(Early Instruments of the Institute of Physics)173
3.爱因斯坦方程中的波动理论(Spacetime Splashes:Catching the Wave in Einstein s Equations)173
7.古生物学会(Paleontological Society)173
8.罗亚尔·蒂勒尔博物馆(Royal Tyrrell Museum)173
4.俄勒冈州立大学的ZEBU(ZEBU at the University of Oregon)174
5.美国物理学会(The American Institute of Physics)174
6.人造中枢网(Artificial Neural Neetworks in High Energy Physics)174
8.欧洲粒子物理实验室(E uropean Laboratory for Particle physics)174
12.等离子科学技术(Plasma Science and Technology)175
16.威尔逊小组(The Wilson Grou p)175
14.物理教育研究与发展(Research and Dervelopment in physics Education)175
13.珀社大学学生物理学会(Purdue University s Society of Physics Students)175
15.剑格大学物理系(University of Cambridge Department of Physics)175
10.匹北堡大学的物理和天文学(Physics and Astronomy at the University of Texas)175
9.得克萨斯州立大学的聚变研究(Fuson Research at the University of Texas)175
11.等离子物理主页 (The Plasma Physics Home Page )175
1.科学考察(The Ecploratorium)176
2.自然科学指南(Hands-OnScience Guide)176
3.贾森计划(The JASON Proj ect)176
6.国家自然科学基金会(National Sqcience Foundation)177
7.自然历史博物馆(Natural History Museum)177
4.富兰克林自然科学博物馆( Franklin Institute Science Museum)177
5.洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(Los Alamos National Laboratory))177
8.NCSA美术馆(NCSA digital Gallery CD-ROM)178
9.俄勒冈科学与工业博物馆( Orog on Museujm of Science Industry)178
10.自然科学协会(Community of Science)178
11.Elsevier信息公司(Elsevier Science)178
12.数学、自然科学及持续术教育工作室(The Office for Mathematics,Science,and Technology Education)178
2.太空飞行基础(Basics of Spacef ilght)179
1.航空航天博物馆(Air and Space Museum)179
13.科学大事记( The Sci-Copstory and Memorirs of an Agent)179
3.星标2号探测飞船( As tro-2 Live)180
4.航空模拟教育(Educational Space Dimulations P roject)180
5.Embry-Riddle航天大学(Enbry-Riddle Aeronautical University)180
6.太空拧索史(History of Space Exploration)180
7.如何成为一名宇航员( How to become an Astronaut)181
8.约翰逊太空中心图片库(Joh nson Space Center Images)181
9.火星登陆研究中心(Mars Mission Re search Center)181
10.登月计划(Mission to the Moon))181
11.美国国家航空和航天局(NASA News)182
12.美国国家航空和航天局新闻(NASA News)182
13.寻找外星文明(The Search for Extra-Terre strial Intelligence)182
16.宇宙飞船图(Space Shuttle Map)183
22.太空探索与开发(Students for Exploration and De volopment of space)183
17.太空站(Space Settlements)183
14.太空日历(Space Calendar)183
15.航天图片资(Space Shuttle Image Archive)183
18.联合国外层空间事务局(United Nations office for Outer Space Affairs)184
19.加拿大宇航员(Canadian Astronauts)184
20.马林空间科学系统(Malin Space Science Systems)184
21.美国国家航天局喷气推进实验室( NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)184
23.新汉普郡大学卫星实验室(The University of New Hampshire Small Satelite Lab)185
2.网上动物园(The Electonic Zoo)185
3.昆虫数据库(Insect Database)185
7.动物类群信息(Taxon Information)186
4.企牲主页(The Electronic Zoo)186
5.珍妮·古德尔地办会(Jance Gookall Institute)186
9.动物行为综合研究中心( Center for the Intergr ative Study of Amimal Behavior)187
10.大学动物学学校(Latrobe Universiry School of Zoology)187
11.洛杉矶动物园(The Los Angeles Zoo)187
12.WWW图书馆动物检索(WWW Virtual Library Index of Animals)187
13.动物园网(Zoonet Links)187
第五部分 休闲时光:新闻和娱乐网址189
3.埃迪博、斯塔奇、图贝尔海德先生(Mr.Edible Starchy Tuber Head)190
5.Roadkills-R-Us新闻网(Rome Lab Snowball Cam)190
4.欧耶板(Ouija Board)190
2.魔术球(Magic 8-Ball)190
6.罗马实验室雪球摄像(Rome Lab Snowball Can)191
7.施瓦公司(The Schwa Corporation)191
8.托洛克算命(Ta rot Information)191
9.特洛伊屋里咖啡机(Trojan Room Coffee Machine)191
10.吸血鬼(Veampyres Only)192
11.在线外星(Alien Online)192
12.音频艺术页面(The Audio Arts Page )192
13.奇异市场(The Bizarre Bazaar)192
14.奇特中心(Bixarre Central)192
15.建造机动船(Building a Bortmobile)192
23.占星新闻(News of the Weird )193
22.默斯基的Web末日(Mirsky s Worst of the Web)193
21.秘密社团概述(An Illuminati Outline of History)193
20.如果你的脑袋要爆炸该怎样说 (How to Tell if your Head s About to Blow Up )193
18.戈多特统治集团(The Goddot Hierarchy)193
17.盖博·芬克霍瑟尔主页(Gabe Fankhauser s Home Page)193
16.银河中心(Galactic Central)193
19.你好,地球人!(Greetings Ear theople!)193
28.来自的“好”东西(Som"Good"Articles from tale. Bizarre)194
31.超自然(Too Weird)194
30.奇异谈(Talk Bizarre)194
29.Strawberry Pop-Tart喷灯(Strra wberry Pop-Tarty Blow-Torches)194
32.T. W. I. N. K. I. E. S计划 (The T. W. I. N. K. I. E. S Project)194
27.环宇褥告(Prayers Heavenbound)194
26.撤盐的创伤(The Pickled Terauma)194
25.PEZ糖果页面(PEZ Candy Home Page)194
24.窥视汤姆页面(Peeping Tom Page)194
1.书籍热线( Book Wire)195
38.欢迎你到我的世界来(Welcome to My World...)195
36.每月瓦基专利(Wacky Patent of the Month)195
35.车号牌(Vanity License Plate)195
34.没有价值的页面(Useless Pages)195
33.非官方(Otter Pops主页(The Un official Otter Pops Home Page)195
2.世界末日浅黑肤色的人(The Doomsday B runette)196
3.Internet图书信息中心(Internet Book Information Center)196
5.联机恐怖杰作(Online Horror Classics)196
9.Hitchhiker银河主页指南(Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy Home Page)197
8.连环画问答(Comics FAQs)197
7.乌姆尼的最后案件(Umney s Last Case by Stephon King)197
6. 科幻小说档案(Science Fiction and Fantasy Ar chive)197
10.神秘小说主页(The Mysterious Homepage)198
11.神秘小说站点(The Mysterious Web)198
12.神秘地带(The Mystery Zone)198
13.神秘地带的神秘小说指南(The Mystery Zone s Fiction Spotlight)198
14.视秘地带的非小说特性(The Mystery Zone s Fiction Spotlight)198
15.既不是自由主义者也不是社会主者:女权主义,政治理论,可行性(Neither Liberal Nor Communitarian:Femi198
16.新神话(The New Mythology)198
17.其他神秘小说(Other Mysteres )198
18.提前发布的连环画信息(Pre-Release Comic Information)198
19.科幻小说和科幻小说作家参考书(SF and Fantasy Author Bibliographies)199
1.颠倒字服务器(Anagram Server)199
2.当前的热门站点(Cool Site of the Day)199
6.米勒酒吧间(Miller Genuine Draft Taproom)200
7.彩虹玩具盒(Rainbow Confusion)200
9.有关Roller Coaster运动的信息I(Roller Coaster World)201
10.斯多利沙龙(Stoli Central)201
8.罗伯特·哈帝尔的有趣页面(Robert Hartill s Fun Page)201
14.疯狂颠倒字(Anagrams Insanity)202
13.Web的边缘(The Web s Edge)202
15.颠倒词求解(Anagram Solver)202
11.滑块游戏(16 Puzzle)202
17.电子明信片(The Electric Postcard Rack)203
18.娱乐和游戏站点(Fun Games Site)203
19.丽莎的玩箱(Lisa s Toybox)203
21.站点通信(Point Communications)203
22.罗伯特·李的娱乐站点(Robert Lee Entertainment)203
23.主题公园FAQ(Theme Parks FAQ)203
2.阿特兰蒂斯游戏(Atlantis Play-By-E-mail Game)204
3.BU的交互游戏(BU s Interactive Web Games)204
5.游戏集(The Game Cabinet)205
6.游戏主机(Games Domain)205
7.游戏评论(Games Domain Reviews)205
8.狩猎Wumpus( Hunt the Wumpus)205
10.Lego信息(Lego Information206
9.交互WEB游戏(Interactive Web Games)206
14.角色扮演游戏(Role-Playing Games)207
15.虚拟神秘小说剧场(virtual Mystery Theater)207
16.Netrek游戏(Web Games)207
17.WWW迷普及文化猎奇(WWW Addict s Pop-Culture Scavenger Hunt)207
21.法兰西Tarot(French Tarot)208
19.飞越Internet的高手(Aces Over the Internet)208
20.十字填词问答(Crosswords FAQ)208
18.古怪WWW冒险(Your Wacky WWW Adventure)208
22.游戏屋(The Game Room)209
23.游戏的问题和解答(Games Questions and Answers)209
24.手和脚(Hand and Foot)209
25.各民族和各地区的牌类游戏(Natonal and Regional Card Games)209
26.边缘(On The Edge)209
27.谜题页面(The Puzzle Page)209
28.Rage Unlimited游戏规则(Rage Unlimited Edition Rules)209
30.上帝的神殿(Tempest of the Gods)209
3.园艺(Gardening and Landscaping)210
32.WWW娱乐软件包(WWW Entertainment Pack)210
31.牌类游戏戏交易(Trading Card Games)210
5.风筝(Kite Site)211
7.食谱(The Recipe Folder)211
4.魔术(Juggling Information Service)211
10.每周手工集锦(Weekly Craftss Project)212
9. 模型主页(Scale Model Home Page)212
11.业余无线电爱好者世界(The World of Internet Amateur Radio)212
8.法国Le Cordon Bleu烹饪术(Resturant Le Cordon Bleu)212
14.在线图表集(Atlas Online)213
13.Arie基金会(The Arie Foundation)213
16.在新项格兰捕鸟(Birds at Selected Parks)213
15.啤酒类型(Beer Styles)213
12.WWW线条图(World-Wide Webs)213
8.猫姑娘主页(Cat Fanciers Home Page)214
17.公园中的鸟类(Birdsat Selected Parks)214
19.个人造船主页(Common Sense Design s Home Page)214
20.手工问答(Crafts FAQ)214
21.计算机园丁( The Cyber-Plantsman)214
22.不要害怕,它是有机的(Don t Panic It s All Organic)214
24.食物和饮料(Food Drink)214
32.爱好和运动(Hobbies and Sports)215
31.草本植物和香料(Herbs Spices)215
30.95年收获报告(Harvest Report 95)215
29.好木工(Good Woodworking)215
28.大蒜主页(The Garlic Page)215
27.*园丁阅览室(The Garlic Page)215
26.园艺之门(The Garden Gate)215
25.富士出版集团葡萄酒页面(The Fuji Publishing Group Wine Page)215
33.爱好中心(The Hobby Centre)216
34.疯狂爱好者(Hobby Madness)216
35.家庭酿造主页(Homebrewing Homepage)216
36.园丁的Internet资源(Internet Resources for Gardeners)216
37.杰尼的计算机烹调书(Jayne s Cyber Cookbook)216
38.风筝爱好者站点(Kite Flier s Site)216
39.大旋涡站点(Maelstrom Hobby s Website)216
40.木船拥有者和设计者杂志(The Magazine for Wooden Boat Owners and Designers)216
48.Internet上的葡萄酒:葡萄酒活动的计算机日历(Wines on the Internet:CyberCalendar of Wine Events)217
47.婚礼花园(Wedding Gardens)217
46.素食者页面(Too Easy Gardens)217
45.简易美食(Too Easy Gourmet)217
43.QRZ主页(QRZ Home Page)217
44.彩虹娱乐目录(Rainbow Non-sports Entertainment Holiday Catalog)217
42.陶工页面(The Potter s Page)217
41.看飞机(Plane Watching)217
49.木工手册(The Woodworking Catalog)218
1.卡尔文和霍布斯画廊(Calvin and Hobbes Gallery)218
2.乐趣博士(Doctor Fun)218
3.迪尔博特区(The Dilbert Zone)218
6.陶醉幽默(Wrecked Humor Page)219
4.笑Web (Laugh Web)219
7.原子蛋糕(The Atomic Cafe)220
9.计算机幽默页面(Computer Humor Page)220
10.略(Evil Little Brother s Excuse Generator)220
11.火警剧场(The Firesign Theatre)220
12.喜剧剧场(The Mole of Socks)220
13.超文本幽默档案(Hypertext Humor Archives)220
14.略(John and Rob s Evolution in Action)220
15.鼷鼠洞喜剧页面(The Mole Hole Comedy Page)220
16.墨菲法案和结果(Murphy s Laws and Corollaries)220
21.嗜咖啡者(Too Much Coffee Man)221
20.彩虹幽默页面(Rainbow Humor Page)221
1.选择X(Alternative X)221
22.联合媒体(United Media)221
18.肯和格伦的确良在线奇遇(The Online Adventures of Ken and Glenn)221
17.玩笑他人100法(100Way to Confuse Your Roommate)221
19.引语专辑(The Quote Book)221
2.波音波音(Boing Boing)222
3.深入探索( Depth Probe)222
5.交互文本(Inter Text)222
6.超媒体杂志目录(Hypermedia Zine List)223
7.国际电信时代(International Teletimes)223
8.迷宫电子出版项目(Labyrinth Electronic Pubishing Project)223
9.琼斯妈妈(Mother Jones)223
10.意识之流(Stream of Consciousness)223
13.威姆斯杂志商店(Wimsey s Magazine Shop)224
15.家庭艺术在线网络(Home Arts Online Network)224
14.无酸纸(The Acid-Free Paper)224
12.韦伴斯特周刊(Webster s Weekly)224
11.虚拟镜子(The Virtual Mirror)224
1.Buena Vista电影城(Buena Vista MoviePlex)225
2.桌面电影院(Desktop Cinema)225
3.早期活动影片(Early Motion Pictures)226
5.印地安纳·琼斯主页(Indiana Jones Home Page)226
6.Internet电影数据库(Internet Movie Database)226
7.电影音响(Movie Sounds)227
8.MPEG电影档案(MPEG Move Archive)227
9.环球电影公司(Universal Pictures)227
13.圣约瑟电影节(Cinequest:The San Jose Film Featival)228
12.影字站点(Cimema Sites)228
11.非官方的星球大战主页(Unofficial Star Wars Home Page)228
14.评论(The Critics)229
16.电影节(Film Festivals)229
17.香港电影主页(The Hong Kong Mivies Homepage)229
18.武术:电影和收藏者论坛(Martial Arts:The Film and Collector s Forum)229
19.电影和影片:电影演员(Movies and Films:Actors and Actresses)229
20.科幻电影和怪异电影(Science Fiction and Fantasy Movies)229
21.圣约翰Anime电影社团(The St. John s Anime Film Society)229
1.杰伊的住宅MOO(Jay s House MOO)230
3.星球大战MUSH(Star Wars MUSH)230
2.蔓延(The Sprawl)230
22.影视妇女(Women in Film Television)230
4.TinyTIM冒险游戏(Tiny TIM)231
6.MUDS的各种类型(Types of MUDs)231
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