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专题A 信号跨膜转导 细胞凋亡1
1.Signal Roles of PI 3-Kinase in G Protein Coupled Receptor Stimulation of MitogenesisError!Book Zhuowei Hu1
2.The Function of the B Cell Antigen Receptor in Antigen Processing Wenxia Song4
3.Identification and Characterization of a Drosophila Eph Surface Protein Tyrosine Kinase,Dnuk Q.He D.Brose and S.Kunes6
4.Dysregulatlon of p97,LfR,CP and the Excess Iron Deposition in the Brain Zhong Ming QIAN and Qin WANG8
5.Low Level of Mercury-induced Apoptosis in Human T Lymphocytes T.L.Guo I.M.Shapiro and B.J.Shenker13
6.Functional Dissection of COP-1 Subunits in the Biogenesis of Multivesicular Endosomes Feng Gu Fernando Aniento Robert G.Parton,and Jean Gruenberg14
7.The Role of Transmembrane Ca2+ Gradient in the Formation and Apoptosis of Macrophage Derived Foam Cells:Study on Molecular Mechanism of Atherosclerosis Xiao-Yi YANG You-Guo HUANG Fu-Yu YANG16
8.Mechanism of calcium signal transduction in mouse fertilizing eggs Fang-zhen Sun Tie-shan Tang Jian-bo Dong Chen-guang Wang Tie-Jun Zhao and Xiu-ying Huang19
罗晓艳 孙方臻22
10.精子因子能否诱导小鼠卵子发生Ca2+振荡依赖于卵子中识别或感受精子因子的特异机制是否存在 唐铁山 孙方臻22
11.利用细胞表面工程原理对PNH缺失GPI-蛋白的研究 许彩民 杨洋 张之南 潘华珍24
12.肌醇磷脂结合蛋白的缺失与PNH的关系 许彩民 杜涛 杨洋 冯楠 张之南 潘华珍26
13.急性肺损伤的肺细胞膜及细胞浆Gq蛋白变化和地塞米松对其影响的研究 周元国 王正国 朱配芳 熊仁平27
14.Membrane,Cytoplasm Tyrosine Kinases and MAPK are Involved in Activation of Macrophages by LN-GPs Yi-Ping LIU Rou-Li ZHOU Jing ZHANG Sha ZHANG Zhi-Min FENG Mei-FENG28
15.LPC通过改变磷脂膜物理状态影响了蛋白激酶C的活性 潘最 陈建文30
16.牛小脑皮层IP3受体的纯化与重建 胡广 黄有国 杨福愉33
17.信号跨膜转导的时间理论 刘承宜35
18.Structure-Function Studies of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator(CFTR)Chloride Channel J.Ma M.L.Drumm J.Xie J.Zhao B.Zerhusen and P.B.Davis36
专题B 离子通道 物质跨膜运输36
19.Regulation of Protein Phosphorylation on Signal Transduction,Membrane Transport and Cellular Metabolism of Carbohydrates in Low GC Gram-Positive Bacteria Jingjing Ye39
20.Role of Phospholipase A2 in Exocytosis in Lung Alveolar Type Ⅱ Cells Lin LIU41
21.Role and Functional Domains of the Cysteine String Proteins Csps in Insulin Exocytosis H.Zhang W.L.Kelley L.H.Chamberlain R.Bourgoyne C.B.Woliheim and J.Lang43
22.Effects of putative glycosylation sites on transport activity and electrophysiological characters of GABA transporter Yanhong Liu Ursula E.Ludwig Jian Fei Quanbao Gu Wolfgang Schwarz Lihe Guo46
23.鸡脱辅基细胞色素c的分子内的片段缺失对其跨膜转运的影响 韩学海 贾松涛 杨福愉48
24.C17S和H18D突变对鸡脱辅基细胞色素c跨线粒体膜输入的影响 朱勇 韩学海 杨福愉50
25.La3+和Gd3+对鼠肝癌H-35细胞Ca2+内流的影响 李新民 方宏勋 郭鹏飞 杨梦苏 黄秋霖51
26.17β-雌二醇对大鼠海马神经元延迟整流型钾离子通道活动的影响 张劼 陈助华 陈培熹53
27.大鼠前脂细胞质膜Na+/H+交换系统的激活与细胞增殖分化 李晓明 陈全 刘树森56
28.Zn2+介导的带3蛋白结构域间的联系 徐红 杨福愉58
29.生物频谱对神经膜钠通道内流电流的调节作用 贺秉军 孙金生 赵勇 刘安西 周林60
30.A Conformational Change of Glucose Transporter in Erythrocyte Membranes of Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Hu Xiaojian Zhang Zhihong Peng Feng Zhou Hanqing Cheng Wejying Feng Hangfang63
31.苄普地尔对急性分离的大鼠海马CA1区锥体细胞钾电流的影响 阳冬梅 胡惠娟65
32.CPU86017对豚鼠分离的心室肌细胞L型Ca2+电流的作用 胡慧娟 郝雪梅 王忠民 戴德哉66
33.IS4肽段在培养的非洲爪蟾胚胎肌细胞膜形成离子通道的研究 鲍林67
专题C 三类ATP酶 光合膜蛋白69
34.Biochemical and Molecular Characteristics of Vacuolar Proton Translocating ATPase Sheng-Bin Peng,Bin P.Crider,Dennis K.Stone,and Xiao-Song Xie69
35.Differential Scanning Calorimetric Analysis of Higher Plant Photosystem Ⅱ Membranes Kun-Yun Yang Hua Shi Nan-Ming Zhao and Ting-Yun Kuang71
36.Orientation of Pigment in Photosystem Ⅱ Studied by Linear Dichroism Spectroscopy Jian-Min Hou72
37.The N-Termini Of the A and B Subunits at the Top of F1 Stabilize the Energy-Transfer Function in the Mitochondrial F1Fo ATP Synthase Ting Xu Cosimo Candita Giovanna Amoruso Sergio Papa73
38.肝细胞和线粒体内的氧应激与肝病损伤机制 苏晓华 刘树森74
39.细胞膜质子跨膜转运对膜表面物理性质的影响及其在膜融合中的意义 焦选茂 徐海楼 李清焕 高福鸿 须梅 沈子威 刘树森78
李晓鹏 杜林方 梁厚果84
41.活性氧对植物光系统Ⅱ的破坏作用 刘科 杜林方 林宏辉 郑洪武84
42.弱光和Tris处理条件下PSⅡ放氧核心复合物的损伤 杜林方 耿川东86
43.偶联因子的ε亚基与叶绿体毫秒延迟发光的关系 史瑾 石晓冰 魏家绵 沈允钢87
44.紫色非硫细菌RS601反应中心中色素修饰研究 曾小华 陈志龙 钱素平 徐春和 沈允钢89
45.Study on the Stabilization of the Oxygen-Evolving Extrinsic olypeptides in PSⅡ Membrane Particles by Lycinebetaine Cai-Xia Hou Xin-Jian Yu Rong Li Zhang-Cheng Tang Yun-Kang Shen Chun-He Xu91
46.NaCl胁迫对高梁根、叶鞘和叶片液泡膜H+-ATPase和H+-ATPase活性的顺序调控 王宝山 邹琦 赵可夫93
47.大豆液泡膜H+-ATPase的纯化和重组 祝雄伟 王欢 李如亮 王延枝96
48.H+-ATPase and Ferricyanide Reductase in Plasma Membrane from Maize Roots Jianhua Wang Jia Chen and Xianrong Wu98
49.Depletion and Reconstitution of Ca2+Ions can Alter the Protein Secondary Structure of Photosystem Ⅱ Membrane Hua Shi Kun-yun Yang Ling Xiong Ting-yun Kuang and Nan-ming Zhao101
50.线粒体的自由基呼吸与衰老的相关性 赵卫华 陈清棠 徐建兴104
51.线粒体的两个呼吸途径及其生理意义 吴咏梅 胡刚 徐建兴106
52.呼吸链的电子漏路径 李迅 张亦忻 徐建兴110
53.泛醌结合蛋白与呼吸链电子漏机制 吕斌 徐建兴115
54.多羟基酚类化合物对光合作用链的抑制作用 朱正香 吕斌 刘翠华 毛大璋118
专题D 膜脂-膜蛋白相互作用123
55.Effect of Size of Macrocyclic Polyamides on Their Rate of Diffusion in Model Membranes CuiHua Liu,Alison Paprica and Nils O.Petersen123
56.Millisecond Studies of the Mechanism of Calcium-Dependent Membrane Fusion Tao Xu125
57.Accumulation of Mitochondria Gene Transcripts under Freezing Exposure in the Freeze-Tolerant Wood Frog(Rana Sylvatica) S.Wu and K. B.Storey126
58.Multivalency of lectin adhesin molecules displayed on Yeast C.M.Yang and R.S.Hoages128
59.Biophysical and Biochemical Studies of α-Actinin Guo-hong Li Gang Li Dong Ding Yang Qiu and Ke-chun Lin130
60.ATR-FTIR Study of the H/D Exchange Kinetics of Gramicidin S in Lipid-free and Phospholipic3-bound States Wu Man Song-qing Nie and Ke-chun Lin134
61.Fluorescence and FT-IR studies of the interaction of PAMP with lipid bilayer Qiao Tong Song-qing Nie and Ke-chun Lin136
62.Selenium-Independent Isozymes of Glutathione S-Transferase in Rat Liver Possess Glutathione Peroxidase Activity toward Membrane Phospholipid Hydroperoxide Jin-Yang Guan Qian Sun Saddaki Komura Nobuko Ohishi Kunio Yagi and Fang-Sheng Li138
63.Induction of DT-Diaphorase in Rats by Xenobiotic Treatment Jin-Yang Guan Kunio Yagi Saddaki Komura and Fang-Sheng Li141
64.五味子酚对Adriamycin损伤线粒体膜的抗氧化研究 刘扬 刘耕陶144
65.人癌细胞内质网分子伴侣Grp 94生物学特性的初步研究 陈澄 宋今丹145
66.内质网膜系统的起源、进化及意义 王秋雨 娄虹 宋今丹147
67.Effect of ganglioside GM3-activated-macrophages on mitochondrial inner membrane components of murine ascites hepatoma cells Yan Ding Ke-li Ma Yan Liu and Zhao-chun Tsui149
68.硬脂胺阳离于脂质体与细胞的相互作用 王瓞 林其谁151
69.低磷奶牛血红蛋白尿症红细胞膜脂质过氧化损伤的观察 陈维多 王燕 吴明福 徐世文 刘忠义 王先进153
70.Using X-ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Polarization Method to Detect Interdigitation in DPPG/Atropine System Yiheng Hao Jianwen Chen156
71.模拟微重力对鸡胚软骨细胞碱性磷酸酶的影响 李小兵 杨树长 李生广 江丕栋 林治焕159
72.Ve对生物膜的修饰作用 谢晓光 XiaoMingXie 张志强 许俊博 肖敬斌 Rawle Hollingsworth Joe Lewkman Song K160
专题E 膜蛋白结构 新技术和方法162
73.Cell Membrane Mechanics Studied with Laser Optical Tweezers Jianwu Dai and Michael P.Sheetz162
74.新型荧光试剂及其在生物膜研究中的应用 张玉中165
75.Crystallization and Structure of Mitochondrial Cytochrome bcl Complex Li Zhang Linda Yu and Chang-An Yu166
76.Microscope Laser Light Scattering Spectroscopy:A New Technique to Study the Membrane of a Single Living Cell Jiangcheng Wang Yaoxiong Huang Runchu Tan Yonglong Li Qicai He and Pinyang Li169
77.Folding and Assembly of Glucose Oxidase at Water-air Surface Guoliang Dai Jinru Li and Long Jiang173
78.The Insertion of ApoH into Phospholipid Membranes:A Monolayer Study Shao-xiong Wang Guo-ping Cai Sen-fang Sui180
79.抗癌药脂质体(NLD)的制备和及其抗小鼠肝癌的研究 古元冬 刘树森185
80.Dissociation and Rearrangement of Pentameric C-reactive Protein on Lipid Monolayers Induced by Protein/protein and Protein/lipid Interactions Hong-Wei Wang Zheng Liu and Sen-fang Sui187
81.几种膜蛋白的二维结晶 孙京川 张兴 徐伟 杨挥 张旭家 匡廷云 黄有国 杨福愉190
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