

  • 刘美岩著 著
  • 出版社: 西安:西北工业大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787561227480
  • 出版时间:2010
  • 标注页数:192页
  • 文件大小:47MB
  • 文件页数:207页
  • 主题词:对比语言学


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Chapter One Contrastive Analysis1

1.1 What Is Contrastive Analysis1

1.2 Background of Contrastive Analysis1

1.3 Rationale for Contrastive Analysis3

1.4 Theoretical Assumptions of Contrastive Analysis3

1.5 Theoretical Basis of Contrastive Linguistics4

1.5.1 Psychological Basis of Contrastive Analysis4

1.5.2 Linguistic Basis of Contrastive Analysis7

1.6 Application of TG Grammar to Contrastive Analysis10

1.7 Pedagogical Applications of Contrastive Analysis11

1.8 Criticisms of Contrastive Analysis11

Chapter Two Error Analysis13

2.1 What Is Error Analysis13

2.2 Rationale for Error Analysis13

2.3 Theoretical Assumptions of Error Analysis14

2.4 Claims of Error Analysis as a Primary Pedagogical Tool14

2.5 Describing Errors15

2.5.1 Error VS.Mistake15

2.5.2 Levels of Errors15

2.5.3 Types and Causes of Errors20

2.6 Techniques for Systematic Error Analysis23

2.6.1 Introduction23

2.6.2 Procedures23

2.7 Computerized Corpora of Errors29

2.8 Pedagogical Applications of Error Analysis29

2.9 Modern Contrastive Linguistics and Its Significance31

Chapter Three Contrastive Study between Chinese and English in Phonology33

3.1 What Is Phonology33

3.2 Phonological Analysis33

3.3 Two Phonological Models34

3.3.1 Taxonomic Phonology34

3.3.2 Generative Phonology34

3.4 Differences between Chinese and English in Phonology and Difficulties Involved in Learning34

3.4.1 Differences in Syllable Structure and the General Pattern of Distribution of Consonants and Vowels in the Two Languages35

3.4.2 Differences between Chinese and English in Consonants and Difficulties Involved38

3.4.3 Differences between Chinese and English in Vowels and Difficulties Involved40

3.5 Tones and Intonation42

3.5.1 Tones in Chinese Language42

3.5.2 Tones and Intonation in English42

3.6 Linking in English43

3.7 Assimilation of Sounds in English43

3.8 Incomplete Plosives in English44

3.9 Stress45

3.10 Difficulties Involved in Learning46

Chapter Four Contrastive Study between Chinese and English in Lexicology47

4.1 What Is Lexicology47

4.2 Word Formation of Chinese and English Language47

4.2.1 Word Formation of Chinese Language48

4.2.2 Word Formation of English Language53

4.3 Idioms,Slangs and Colloquial Expressions in Chinese and English55

4.3.1 Cheng Yu(set phrases)in Chinese55

4.3.2 Colloquial and Idiomatic Expressions in Chinese58

4.3.3 Idioms,Colloquialisms and Slangs in English60

4.4 Sense Relationship in English and Chinese Language63

4.4.1 Syntagmatic Semantic Relationships64

4.4.2 Paradigmatic Semantic Relationships67

4.5 Semantic Field(Semantic Domain/Lexical Field/Word Field)69

4.5.1 What Is Semantic Field69

4.5.2 Contrastive Study between English and Chinese in Color System70

4.6 Coincidence,Parallel and Lexical Gap between English and Chinese73

4.6.1 Coincidence73

4.6.2 Parallel75

4.6.3 Lexical Gap76

4.7 Difficulties Involved in Learning79

Chapter Five Contrastive Study between Chinese and English in Grammar82

5.1 What Is Grammar82

5.2 Morphological Contrastive Study82

5.2.1 Aspect in English and Chinese82

5.2.2 Tense in English and Chinese83

5.2.3 Case in English and Chinese84

5.2.4 Gender in English and Chinese85

5.2.5 Mood in English and Chinese85

5.2.6 Person in English and Chinese88

5.2.7 Part of Speech in English and Chinese88

5.3 Syntactic Contrastive Study99

5.3.1 Commonly Used English Sentence Patterns100

5.3.2 Commonly Used Chinese Sentence Patterns101

5.3.3 English Complicated Sentences110

5.3.4 Chinese Complicated Sentences114

5.4 Differences between English and Chinese Sentences121

5.4.1 Differences in Word Order121

5.4.2 Hypotactic(English)VS.Paratactic(Chinese)123

5.4.3 Compact(English)VS.Diffusive(Chinese)124

5.4.4 Subject-predicate Structure(English)VS.Topic-comment Structure(Chinese)127

5.5 Implications for Translation128

5.5.1 Chinese to English Translation128

5.5.2 English to Chinese Translation132

5.6 Implications for Language Teaching133

5.6.1 English Language Teaching133

5.6.2 Chinese Language Teaching136

Chapter Six Contrastive Study between Chinese and English at Text Level142

6.1 What Is Text and Text Linguistics142

6.1.1 Cohesion144

6.1.2 Coherence146

6.2 Differences between English and Chinese in Text Cohesion148

6.2.1 Differences in Reference149

6.2.2 Differences in Ellipsis151

6.2.3 Differences in Conjunctions152

6.3 Related Studies Concerning the Differences between English and Chinese in Text Rhetoric(Coherence)154

6.3.1 English Directness VS.Chinese Indirectness154

6.3.2 Differences between English and Chinese in Choosing Supporting Materials162

6.3.3 Pedagogical Implications for Chinese ESL Teaching164

Chapter Seven Contrastive Study between English and Chinese in Styl istics—from some aspects167

7.1 What Is Style and Stylistics167

7.2 Stative Characteristic of English VS.Dynamic Characteristic of Chinese168

7.2.1 Preponderance of Nouns over Verbs in English168

7.2.2 Preference of Preposition Constructions to Verbs in English171

7.2.3 Tendency of Agentive Nouns over Verbs in English172

7.2.4 Tendency of Adjectives over Verbs in English172

7.2.5 Inclination of Feeble Verbs in English173

7.2.6 Verb Preponderance in Chinese173

7.3 Impersonal Style of English VS.Personal Style of Chinese175

7.3.1 Passive Voice in English175

7.3.2 Differences between English and Chinese in Using Passive Voice179

7.3.3 Impersonal Subject of English VS.Personal Subject of Chinese181

7.4 Implications for Translation183

7.4.1 A Shift from English Stative Diction to Chinese Dynamic Diction183

7.4.2 A Shift from Chinese Dynamic Diction to English Stative Diction184

7.4.3 A Shift from English Passive Expression to Chinese Versions185

