
- 刘晓秋主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国医药科技出版社
- ISBN:7506734761
- 出版时间:2006
- 标注页数:166页
- 文件大小:7MB
- 文件页数:180页
- 主题词:中成药-药物分析-实验-医学院校-教材
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第一章 中成药分析实验的基本知识1
Chapter One Elementary Knowledge of Experiment for Analysis of Traditional Chinese Patent Medicine1
第一节 中成药分析实验基本要求及注意事项1
Section Ⅰ Basic Requirements and Announcements of Traditional Chinese Patent Medicine Analysis Experiment2
第二节 供试品溶液的制备方法4
Section Ⅱ Preparation of Test Solution6
第三节 中成药分析实验中常用的分析方法9
Section Ⅲ Commonly Used Analytical Methods for Experiment of Traditional Chinese Patent Medicine16
第四节 分析方法学的基本内容24
Section Ⅳ The Basic Content of Analysis Method27
第二章 中成药分析实验30
Chapter Two Experiment for Analysis of Traditional Chinese Patent Medicine30
实验一 五苓散和万氏牛黄清心丸的显微鉴别30
1.Microscopical Identification of Wuling Powder and Wanshi Niuhuang Qingxin Pills33
实验二 安胃片与冰硼散的理化鉴别37
2.Physical-Chemical Identification of Anwei Tablets and Bingpeng Powder40
实验三 桂枝茯苓丸与葛根芩连片的薄层色谱鉴别43
3.Identification of Guizhi Fuling Pills and Gegen Qinlian Tablets by TLC47
实验四 附子理中丸中乌头碱及砷盐的限量检查52
4.Limit Test of Aconitine and Arsenate in Fuzi Lizhong Pills55
实验五 甲苯法测定通宣理肺丸中的水分59
5.Determination of Water in Tongxuan Lifei Pills61
实验六 气相色谱法测定藿香正气水中乙醇的含量64
6.Determination of Ethanol in Huoxiang Zhengqi Tincture by GC66
实验七 黄连上清丸中重金属的检查69
7.Test of Heavy Metals in Huanglian Shangqing Pills72
实验八 酸性染料比色法测定华山参片总生物碱的含量75
8.Determination of the Total Alkaloids in Tabellae Physochlainae by Acid-dye Colorimetry77
实验九 柱色谱-紫外分光光度法测定戊己丸中总生物碱的含量80
9.Determination of the Total Alkaloids in Wuji Pills by Column Chromatography-UV Spectrophotometry82
实验十 气相色谱法测定西瓜霜润喉片中冰片的含量84
10.Determination of Borneolum Syntheticum in Xiguashuang Runhou Tablets by GC86
实验十一 HPLC法测定逍遥丸中芍药苷的含量89
11.Determination of Paeoniflorin in Xiaoyao Pills by HPLC91
实验十二 HPLC法测定银杏叶片中总黄酮醇苷的含量93
12.Determination of Total Amount of Flavonol Glycosides in Yinxingye Tablets by HPLC95
实验十三 二妙丸的鉴别与挥发油的测定98
13.Identification of Ermiao Pills and Determination of Volatile Oil101
实验十四 大山楂丸的鉴别及总黄酮的含量测定104
14.Identification of Dashanzha Pills and Determination of Total Flavonoids108
实验十五 注射用双黄连(冻干)的质量分析112
15.Quality Analysis of Shuanghuanglian Injection117
实验十六 牛黄解毒片的理化鉴别及羟基蒽醌的含量测定124
16.Physical-Chemical Identification of Niuhuan Jiedu Tablets and Determination of Hydroxyanthraquinone128
实验十七 六味地黄丸的质量分析132
17.Quality Analysis of Liuwei Dihuang Pills136
实验十八 设计安神补脑液的质量分析方法142
18.Design the Analysis Experiment for Anshen Bunao Mixture144
实验十九 设计止喘灵注射液的质量分析方法146
19.Design the Analysis Experiment for Zhichuanling Injection147
实验二十 设计复方丹参片的质量分析方法149
20.Design the Analysis Experiment for Compound Salvia Tablets150
1.The Preparation and Usage of Commonly Used TLC colorant155
2.Chemical Reference Substance listed in Chinese Pharmacopoeia158
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