格林童话精粹 英汉对照【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (德)格林(Grimm J.),(德)格林(Wilhelm J.)原著;( )Margaret Hunt英译;童欣中译 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国书籍出版社
- ISBN:7506811340
- 出版时间:2003
- 标注页数:443页
- 文件大小:35MB
- 文件页数:450页
- 主题词:英语-对照读物,童话-英、汉
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青蛙王子 The Frog-King,or Iron Henry1
小红帽 Little Red-Cap6
大拇指 Thumbling12
出门学习恐惧的年轻人 The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was19
狼和七只小羊 The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids31
奇怪的乐师 The Strange Musician35
一群无赖 The Pack of Ragamuffins39
弟弟和姐姐 Brother and Sister42
三个织工 The Three Spinners51
猫和老鼠交朋友 Cat and Mouse in Partnership54
稻草、火炭和豆子 The Straw,the Coal,and the Bean58
渔夫和他的妻子 The Fisherman and His Wife60
英勇的小裁缝 The Valiant Little Tailor71
灰姑娘 Cinderella81
谜语 The Riddle91
老鼠、小鸟和香肠 The Mouse,the Bird,and the Sausage95
布莱梅的城市乐队 The Bremen Town-Musicians97
长着三根金发的魔鬼 The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs102
聪明的汉斯 Clever Hans111
三种语言 The Three Languages115
魔桌子、金驴子和袋子里的小棍子 The Wishing-Table,the Gold-Ass,and the cudgel in the Sack118
狐狸夫人的婚礼 The Wedding of Mrs.Fox131
大拇指旅行记 Thumbling's Travels137
老狗苏尔坦 Old Sultan143
睡美人 Little Briar-Rose146
白雪公主 Little Snow-White151
狗和麻雀 The Dog and the Sparrow164
小农民 The Little Peasant168
蜂王 The Queen Bee174
三根羽毛 The Three Feathers177
金鹅 The Golden Goose181
兔子的新娘 The Hare's Bride186
十二个猎手 The Twelve Huntsmen188
小贼和他的师傅 The Thief and His Master192
三个幸运儿 The Three Sons of Fortune195
六个男人闯世界 How Six Men Got On in the World199
狼和人 The Wolf and the Man206
狼和狐狸 The Wolf and the Fox208
狼婆和狐狸 Gossip Wolf and the fox211
狐狸和猫 The Fox and the Cat213
老人和他的孙子 The Old Man and His Grandson214
水妖 The Water-Nixie215
小母鸡的死 The Death of Lilltle Hen216
快乐哥哥 Brother Lustig218
赌鬼汉斯 Gambling Hansel231
幸运的汉斯 Hans in Luck235
穷人和富人 The Poor Man and the Rich Man242
唱歌高飞的云雀 The Singing,Soaring Lark248
放鹅姑娘 The Goose-Girl255
年轻的巨人 The Young Giant264
小矮子 The Gnome274
农民的聪明女儿 The Peasant's Wise Daughter280
三只小鸟 The Three Little Birds285
生命之水 The Water of Life291
万事通医生 Doctor Knowall299
柳莺和熊 The Willow-Wren and the Bear302
精明的乡下人 Wise Folks305
两个旅伴 The Two Travellers310
刺猬汉斯 Hans the Hedgehog324
高明的猎手 The Skilful Huntsman331
狡猾的小裁缝 The Cunning Linttle Tailor338
明媚的阳光暴露恶行 The Bright Sun Brings It to Light342
蓝灯 The Blue Light344
三个军医 The Three Army Surgeons350
无所畏惧的王子 The King's Son Who Feared Nothing354
三兄弟 The Three Brothers361
跳舞跳破了的鞋子 The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces364
铁汉斯 Iron Hans369
羊羔和小鱼 The Lambkin and the Little Fish379
驴子 The Donkey382
老乞丐婆 The Old Beggar-Woman386
三个懒鬼 The Three Sluggards387
牧童 The Sepherd Boy388
找新娘 Looking for a Bride390
麻雀和它的四个孩子 The Sparrow and His Four Children391
谜语故事 A Riddling Tale395
白雪和红玫瑰 Snow-White and Rose-Red396
柳莺 The Willow-Wren405
猫头鹰 The Owl409
月亮 The Moon412
寿命 The Duration of Life415
死神的信使 Death's Messengers417
池塘里的妖怪 The Nixie of the Mill-Pond419
巨人和裁缝 The Giant and the Tailor426
兔子和刺猬 The Hare and the Hedgehog429
贼王 The Master-Thief434
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