
现代控制工程 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

现代控制工程 英文版
  • (美)尾形克彦著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:电子工业出版社
  • ISBN:9787121122033
  • 出版时间:2011
  • 标注页数:894页
  • 文件大小:98MB
  • 文件页数:40417134页
  • 主题词:现代控制理论-高等学校-教材-英文


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Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems1

1-1 Introduction1

1-2 Examples of Control Systems4

1-3 Closed-Loop Control Versus Open-Loop Control7

1-4 Design and Compensation of Control Systems9

1-5 Outline of the Book10

Chapter 2 Mathematical Modeling of Control Systems13

2-1 Introduction13

2-2 Transfer Function and Impulse-Response Function15

2-3 Automatic Control Systems17

2-4 Modeling in State Space29

2-5 State-Space Representation of Scalar Differential Equation Systems35

2-6 Transformation of Mathematical Models with MATLAB39

2-7 Linearization of Nonlinear Mathematical Models43

Example Problems and Solutions46


Chapter 3 Mathematical Modeling of Mechanical Systems and Electrical Systems63

3-1 Introduction63

3-2 Mathematical Modeling of Mechanical Systems63

3-3 Mathematical Modeling of Electrical Systems72

Example Problems and Solutions86


Chapter 4 Mathematical Modeling of Fluid Systems and Thermal Systems100

4-1 Introduction100

4-2 Liquid-Level Systems101

4-3 Pneumatic Systems106

4-4 Hydraulic Systems123

4-5 Thermal Systems136

Example Problems and Solutions140


Chapter 5 Transient and Steady-State Response Analyses159

5-1 Introduction159

5-2 First-Order Systems161

5-3 Second-Order Systems164

5-4 Higher-Order Systems179

5-5 Transient-Response Analysis with MATLAB183

5-6 Routh's Stability Cntenon212

5-7 Effects of Integral and Derivative Control Actions on System Performance218

5-8 Steady-State Errors in Unity-Feedback Control Systems225

Example Problems and Solutions231


Chapter 6 Control Systems Analysis and Design by the Root-Locus Method269

6-1 Introduction269

6-2 Root-Locus Plots270

6-3 Plotting Root Loci with MATLAB290

6-4 Root-Locus Plots of Positive Feedback Systems303

6-5 Root-Locus Approach to Control-Systems Design308

6-6 Lead Compensation311

6-7 Lag Compensation321

6-8 Lag-Lead Compensation330

6-9 Parallel Compensation342

Example Problems and Solutions347


Chapter 7 Control Systems Analysis and Design by the Frequency-Response Method398

7-1 Introduction398

7-2 Bode Diagrams403

7-3 Polar Plots427

7-4 Log-Magnitude-versus-Phase Plots443

7-5 Nyquist Stability Cntenon445

7-6 Stability Analysis454

7-7 Relative Stability Analysis462

7-8 Closed-Loop Frequency Response of Unity-Feedback Systems477

7-9 Experimental Determination of Transfer Functions486

7-10 Control Systems Design by Frequency-Response Approach491

7-11 Lead Compensation493

7-12 Lag Compensation502

7-13 Lag-Lead Compensation511

Example Problems and Solutions521


Chapter 8 PID Controllers and Modified PID Controllers567

8-1 Introduction567

8-2 Ziegler-Nichols Rules for Tuning PID Controllers568

8-3 Design of PID Controllers with Frequency-Response Approach577

8-4 Design of PID Controllers with Computational Optimization Approach583

8-5 Modifications of PID Control Schemes590

8-6 Two-Degrees-of-Freedom Control592

8-7 Zero-Placement Approach to Improve Response Characteristics595

Example Problems and Solutions614


Chapter 9 Control Systems Analysis in State Space648

9-1 Introduction648

9-2 State-Space Representations of Transfer-Function Systems649

9-3 Transformation of System Models with MATLAB656

9-4 Solving the Time-Invariant State Equation660

9-5 Some Useful Results in Vector-Matrix Analysis668

9-6 Controllability675

9-7 Observability682

Example Problems and Solutions688


Chapter 10 Control Systems Design in State Space722

10-1 Introduction722

10-2 Pole Placement723

10-3 Solving Pole-Placement Problems with MATLAB735

10-4 Design of Servo Systems739

10-5 State Observers751

10-6 Design of Regulator Systems with Observers778

10-7 Design of Control Systems with Observers786

10-8 Quadratic Optimal Regulator Systems793

10-9 Robust Control Systems806

Example Problems and Solutions817


Appendix A Laplace Transform Tables859

Appendix B Partial-Fraction Expansion867

Appendix C Vector-Matrix Algebra874


