

  • 夏清祥编著 著
  • 出版社: 天津市:天津科技翻译出版公司
  • ISBN:7543309688
  • 出版时间:1997
  • 标注页数:446页
  • 文件大小:3MB
  • 文件页数:465页
  • 主题词:


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1 a bolt from the blue 出乎意料的事情1

2 Achille's heel 致命的弱点2

3 a dog in the manger 自私自利一毛不拔之人4

4 after one's own heart 情义相投6

5 air (wash) one's dirty linen in public 暴露秘密7

6 ants in one's pants 坐立不安9

7 apple of one's eye 心爱之物10

8 apple of Sodom 徒具其表而无其实之物11

9 ask for the moon 想入非非12

10 at the drop of a hat 刻不容缓14

11 ax to grind 花言七语哄骗他人16

12 birthday suit 一丝不挂18

13 bite the dust 献身19

14 at sixes and sevens 混乱,没有条理21

15 baker's dozen23

16 bell the cat 甘冒风险25

17 black sheep 品行不端之人27

18 born in the purple 出生于名门望族29

19 break the ice 打破僵局,创造新局面31

20 bite the bullet 迎接挑战,克服困难33

21 be Greek to one 高深莫测35

22 bite off more than one can chew 做超出自己能力的事情37

23 blacek-and-white 决不迁就38

24 bet on the wrong horse 做出错误估计39

25 blow the lid off 昭示秘密41

26 blue in the face/blue music/blue Monday 烦恼,无精打采42

27 borrow trouble/ask for trouble 自寻苦恼44

28 bread-and-butter 基本的生活需要45

29 bring home the bacon 养活家庭,凯旋而归47

30 cart before the horse 本末倒置49

31 cat get one's tongue 由于窘迫无言以对50

32 clean hands 天真无邪52

33 clip one's wings 剪断某人的羽翼54

34 cold feet 临阵退缩55

35 crow before one is out of the woods 尚未获胜便沾沾自喜57

36 cast pearls before swine 做劳而无功的事59

37 cold shoulder 受到冷落61

38 cool one's heels 不讲礼貌使他人久等63

39 dirty one's hands/sail one's hands 声名狼藉65

40 die in one's boos/die with one's boots (shoes) on 死于非命66

41 do-or-die 坚定不移的67

42 Dutch courage 匹夫之勇68

43 eat humble pie 忍气吞声70

44 eat one's beart out 悲伤过度71

45 face the music 面对困境,不良后果73

46 for a song 以极低的价格出售75

47 fall between two stools 一无所获76

48 fly in the ointment 扫兴之物78

49 full of beans 兴高采烈,说空话79

50 get the sack 除名,分手81

51 go against the grain 不按规律做事83

52 go to the dogs 某人开始行为不端85

53 green-eyed 忌妒心很强的87

54 grease the wheels 使事物发展顺利88

55 gressy spoon 路边小吃店90

56 heart of gold 乐于助人的善良本性91

57 hide one's head in the sand 逃避现实92

58 high-hat 盛气凌人93

59 hot potato 难于处理之事94

60 hot water 引起不良后果之事95

61 handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆97

62 hit the nail on the head 一针见血,切中要害99

63 have (get) one's number 了解底细101

64 in a circle/in circles 没有任何进展103

65 in the soup 陷入困境难以自拔104

66 in the wind 酝酿,发生105

67 in a nutshell 指说话不拖泥带水107

68 in the wake of 紧随其后,随之发生109

69 It's a dog-eat-dog world. 互相倾轧的世界111

70 ins and outs 事物的方方面面113

71 Johnny-come-lately 新到之客115

72 keep up with the Joneses 由忌妒心驱使同他人攀比117

73 keep one's nose clean 不要招惹是非119

74 keep one's shirt on 控制住情绪120

75 keep the wolf from the door 糊口,度日122

76 kill the goose that laid the golden egg 杀鸡取卵123

77 kick up one's heels 喜庆125

79 lay an egg 未产生共鸣或任何效果128

80 lay one's cards on the table 毫不隐讳130

81 lift a finger/hand 举手之劳131

82 let sleeping dogs lie 别招惹是非132

83 look like the cat that ate canaty 飘飘然,忘乎所以134

84 lose one's head 张惶失措136

85 lose one's heart 倾心于某人或某物137

86 lose one's shirt 破产,一文不名138

87 loud mouth/big mouth 不负责地随口乱说140

88 lump in one's throat 由于难过而觉得心情沉重141

89 like water off a duck's back 对他人的劝告无动于衷143

90 look a gift horse in the mouth 对别人赠送之物百般挑剔145

91 make a mountain out of a molehill 危言耸听,小题大做147

92 Inake a night of it 狂欢,喜庆148

93 make bricks without straw 缺少做工作的必要条件150

94 make a beeline for 沿着最近的路线奔向某处152

95 make a pass at 用轻佻的举止勾引妇女154

96 make a play for 想办法取悦于异性156

97 make one's blood boil 使得某人异常愤怒158

98 make no bones 毫无顾忌160

99 make free with 随意翻动他人的物品163

100 make one's hair stand on end 由于惊吓使人胆战心惊165

101 make it hot for 给某人制造麻烦使其难过167

102 make short of 将复杂的事情简单化169

103 make the grade 取得期望的成功171

104 make the fur fly 出现纷乱的场面173

105 make the scene 出席社交活动175

106 make good time 比计划时间提前177

107 man in the street 平民百姓179

108 meet one's Waterloo 彻底失败181

109 burn the midnight oil 通宵达旦地辛勤工作183

110 mind one's p's and q's 行动上小心免出易犯的错误185

111 miss is as good as a mile 错误没有大小之分187

112 miss the boat 错过时机189

113 money to burn 拥有大笔财富191

114 month of sundays 相当长的一段时间193

115 mop the floor with 取得完全胜利195

116 more the merrier 多多益善197

117 move heaven and earth 想尽一切办法达到目的199

118 mum is the word 守口如瓶201

119 nail one's colors to the mast 坚持不改变立场202

120 neck and neck 旗鼓相当204

121 nip and tuck 势均力敌206

122 nip in the bud 采取行动制止不良现象发生208

123 no love lost between someone 双方势不两立210

124 not a leg to stand on 缺乏充足的证据212

125 not let grass grow under your feet 莫失良机214

126 not hold water 不能自圆其说216

127 off one's hands 替他人分担工作218

128 off one's rocker/trolley 说话语无伦次220

129 off the cuff 发表即席演说222

130 on the rocks 山穷水尽,处于险境224

131 out of the blue 突如其来226

132 pour oil on troubled waters 息事宁人228

133 polish the apple 拍马屁230

134 pop the question 求婚,求爱232

135 pot call the kettle black 只看到他人的缺点却忘了检查自己234

136 press one's luck 由于贪心的驱使企图得到更多好处236

137 pretty kettle of fish 纷乱困难的处境238

138 promise the moon 向别人作出根本无法实现的许诺240

139 pull one's leg 同别人说一些不着边际的话242

140 pull one's punches 不用尖刻的语言对他人说话244

141 pull rank 以权势压人246

142 pull strings 托人情,走门路248

143 pull the rug out from under 暗中拆别人的台250

144 pull the wool over one's eyes 掩盖事实252

145 pull one's weight 做好自己的工作254

146 pull up stakes 迁往他处256

147 push the panic button 由于突发事件而惊慌失措257

148 put a bee in one's bonnet 满脑子的怪念头259

149 put all one's eggs in one basket 把全部希望寄托在某一个或事上261

150 put in one's two cents (worth) 插入一些无足轻重的话263

151 put one's best foot forward 尽力以自己的最佳表演取悦于人265

152 put one's foot in one's mouth/put one's foot in it 无意中说出不得体的话267

153 put that in your pipe and smoke it 违心地接受某一事实269

154 put the bite on 以狡诈手段勒索他人271

155 put one's shoulder to the wheel 在工作中竭尽自己的能力272

156 put wise 向别人提出正确方法或途径274

157 put words into (in) one's mouth 以某种手段使别人默认自己的想法276

158 paint oneself into a corner 使自己陷入困境277

159 play cat-and-mouse with 戏耍他人279

160 rat race 争名夺利,尔虞我诈281

161 read between the lines 揣摩其中的含义283

162 rough diamond 外表粗糙而心地善良的人285

163 rack one's brain 开动脑筋想办法287

164 rainy day 为日后急需存钱或做其他准备289

165 raise Cain 发脾气,大吵大闹291

166 raise the devil/heck/hob/ned 吵闹得天翻地覆293

167 rarn/shove down one's throat 迫使他人接受自己的观点295

168 rap one's knuckles 斥责,批评296

169 read the riot act 制止吵闹行为298

170 rest on one's laurels 满足于取得的成绩不思进取299

171 ride for a fall 由于行动上的不慎招致不良后果301

172 right and left 方方面面,普遍地302

173 ring a bell 唤起某人对过去事物的回忆303

174 ring the changes 从不同角度做事或陈述主张305

175 rob peter to pay paul 拆东墙补西墙306

176 rob the cradle 老叟娶少妻,少妇嫁老翁308

177 rob the till 监守自盗310

178 rock the boat 给大家带来不安定的局面312

179 roll out the red carpet 举行隆重的仪式314

180 run for one's money 面对不利局面毫不动摇316

181 run into a stone wall 遇到难以克服的困难,遭到拒绝318

182 sacred cow 神圣不可冒犯的人或物320

183 sail under false colors 将真面目掩藏起来322

184 salt away 存贮324

185 save face 找出借口保住脸面325

186 save one's breath 少说为佳327

187 save one's neck/skin 保护自己的要害部位免受伤害328

188 say one's piece 将自己的想法和盘拖出330

189 say uncle 承认失败332

190 school of hark knocks 生活实践,艰苦磨练334

191 scrape the bottom of the barrel 在万般无奈的情况下将就材料336

192 scratch the surface 对问题或事物只有肤浅的认识338

193 screw up one's courage/pluck up one's courage 鼓足勇气339

194 searsh one's heart 反省自己的言行340

195 second wind 恢复体力,重整思绪342

196 see beyond one's nose 眼光放远一些344

197 see eye-to-eye 见解一致346

198 see red 气愤至极347

199 see stars 受到重击眼冒金星348

200 see the light 得其要旨,觉察到某种迹象349

201 see things 想象出一些不存在的事物351

202 sell down the river 出卖朋友,供认实情353

203 serve one's right 自食苦果355

204 set one's teeth on edge 由于某种刺激使人觉得不适357

205 set the world on fire 以自己的成就而出名358

206 ship come in 发财,交好运359

207 shirt off one's back 尽其所能援助别人361

208 shoot one's wad 花钱没有节制363

209 shoot the breeze 漫无目的地闲聊364

210 Simon Legree 凶恶的上司366

211 six of one and half-a-dozen of the other 无所谓、无关紧要368

212 skeleton in the closet 不愿对外人谈及的不光彩的事369

213 smell a rat 觉察到某种不正常情况371

214 snake in the grass 将其坏的本质隐藏起来的人373

215 song and dance 编造谎言骗得他人的同情375

216 speak of the devil and he appears 发生了正在谈论的事377

217 spring chicken 刚刚成年的年轻人379

218 square peg in a round hole 不能胜任所从事工作的人381

219 stare in the face 即刻发生的事383

220 stars in one's eyes 由于可能实现理想而喜形于色385

221 steal a march on 采用突然手段取胜387

222 steal the spotlight 喧宾夺主389

223 step into one's shoes 沿袭前人的作法391

224 step on one's toes 侵犯他人的权利393

225 stew in one's own juice 自作自受395

226 stick one's neck out 面对危险采取勇敢的行动397

227 sticky fingers 有偷偷摸摸的行为399

228 straw in the wind 由表面上的变化而知即将发生之事401

229 take a back seat 居于次要位置403

230 take a dim view of 对某事持悲观态度405

231 take off one's hat to 向他人表示敬意407

232 take one's life in one's hands 冒着生命危险去做事409

233 take the fifth 依据宪法拒绝质询的权利411

234 throw one's hat in the ring 参加竞选413

235 take the bull by the horns 抓住对方的弱点将其制服415

236 tail between one's legs 狼狈逃窜417

237 turn thumbs down 反对,不赞成419

238 twist one's arm 用强制的办法约束别人421

239 Uncle Sam 山姆大叔(美国的别称)423

240 under one's belt 通过个人努力取得成功425

241 upset the apple cart 被意外事件将计划打乱427

242 up to the ears 沉湎于事物之中429

243 vanity case 妇女的小手包431

244 wait on hand and foot. 过着完全由别人照料的生活433

245 walking paper 被炒鱿鱼435

246 walk the chalk 遵守纪律,听从训导437

247 with flying colours 获胜凯旋439

248 white elephant 华贵但无实用价值的物品441

249 wolf in sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的狼443

250 worth the salt 无愧于自己的工作和报酬445
