

  • 胡卫杰编著 著
  • 出版社: 厦门:厦门大学出版社
  • ISBN:7561522029
  • 出版时间:2004
  • 标注页数:206页
  • 文件大小:14MB
  • 文件页数:229页
  • 主题词:


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不同股息的股票 different dividend stock1

抵押证券 mortgage securities1

供股 share right offer1

供股权价值 right price2

股份转让 stock transfer2

股票 share certificate,或stock3

股票的市值 stock price3

股票的溢价与折让 premium and discount4

股票的整批与零星 round lot and odd lot4

股票的正股 ordinary shares4

股票分级 share grading5

股票总资本额 dedicated capital5

股权 share right5

混合证券 mixed securities6

流动收益选择票据 liquid yield option note,LYON6

美国存托凭证 American depository receipt,ADR6

普通股 common stock6

普通股权益 common equity7

全球存托凭证 global depository receipt,GDR7

权益证券与负债证券 equity securities and debt securities7

剩余请求权 residual claim8

授权普通股 authorized common stock8

有价证券 securities8

次位信用债券 subordinated debenture10

地方政府债券 local government bonds10

浮动利率债券 floating rate bonds,或floaters10

高息债券 high rate bonds11

公司债券 company's bonds11

均衡附息票债券 level coupon bonds11

可赎回债券 callable bonds11

可转股债券 convertible bonds12

垃圾债券 junk bonds12

零息债券 zero coupon bonds,或zeroes12

卖回债券 put bonds13

欧洲债券 Eurobonds13

平价债券 par value bonds13

收益债券 income bonds13

外国债券 foreign bonds14

信用债券 debenture14

溢价债券与折让债券 premium bonds and discount bonds14

债券 bonds14

债券的保护契约 protective covenant15

债券的不记名形式 bearer bonds15

债券的偿债基金 sinking funds15

债券的到期年限 maturity16

债券的到期日 maturity day16

债券的到期收益率 yield to maturity,YTM16

债券的等级 bond rating classes16

债券的抵押品 mortgage for bonds18

债券的递延赎回 deferred call19

债券的负面契约 negative covenant19

债券的合约 indenture19

债券的换新 bond refunding20

债券的记名形式 registered form20

债券的价格 bond price20

债券的价值变动 bond value change20

债券的面值 face value,或par value21

债券的票面息 coupon21

债券的赎回溢价 call premium21

债券的违约风险 risk on break contract21

债券的无风险报酬 risk free return21

债券的正面契约 positive covenant22

债券的孳息 yield22

债券回报的因素 relative factors to return23

中央政府债券 central government bonds23


包销承销 firm commitment underwriting24

超额认股权 over subscription privilege24

超额资本 capital in excess of par value25

成长股 growth stock25

承销价差 underwriters spread25

承销商 underwriters25

初次新发行 unseasoned new issue26

初级市场 primary market26

创业板风险 risk in growth enterprise market26

次级市场 secondary market27

存架式注册 shelf registration27

代销承销 best efforts underwriting28

点滴方法 dribble method28

发行成本 floating cost,或issue cost29

反向分割 reverse split30

负面的信号 bad signal30

附权发行 offering with right30

公开发行 public offering31

公开说明书 prospectus31

管理资讯 management information32

柜台交易 over the counter,或OTC market32

红字书 red herring32

后续市场 aftermarket32

竞争发行 competitive offer33

联合承销 syndicate33

墓碑广告 tomb stone advertisement33

墓碑阶层 tomb stone bracket33

评论书 letter of comment33

上市申请书 registration statement34

私下募集 private placement34

特权认股 privileged subscription35

现金发行 general cash offer35

新证券发行基本程序 IPO procedure35

议价价格 negotiated offer36

余股包销 standby underwriting36

再次新发行 seasoned new issue36

招股书 prospectus for placing and new issue36

主板与创业板 main board and growth enterprise market38


暗盘 trade before IPO40

补仓 add money40

超买与超卖 over buy and over sell41

当日有效盘 good for day41

笃手指 quick trading42

高水与低水 premium and discount42

公告(宣告) announcement42

股份持仓h old position43

股份除牌 deleted from listing43

股份买盘与卖盘 buy order and sale order43

股份抛空 short sale44

股份染红 capitalized by China company,或dye in red44

股份停牌 trading suspense45

股价干升干跌 price changing without substantial reason45

股价异动 price unusual moving46

股票触价盘 market if touched,MIT46

股票换马 switching47

股票交收T+2 settlement T+247

股票交收时间 settlement time47

股票经纪与证券行 broker and securities company48

股票平均线 average line48

股票射仓 send stocks to other account48

股票收集与派发 collecting and distributing49

股票斩仓 stop loss49

股票周期 stock price cycle50

股票孖展 stock margin51

股市出口术 make rumor51

股市搭棚 helper to make market51

股市风险月份 risk months52

股市竞价盘 order before market open52

股市开市前时段 time before market open53

股市捞底 buy in at bottom53

股市唛价 mark price53

股市收市价 market closing price54

股市缩盘 cancel order54

股市挟仓 cornering the market55

股市震仓 shake pursuers55

股市指数 stock index56

股市周期 market cycle56

股市庄家 market maker56

股市庄家股 maker's stock57

股数单位:“手”与“球” lot size and million share57

红筹公司 red chip company57

货 stock58

即日鲜 day trading58

价格套利 price arbitrage58

交叉盘 cross trade59

交易盘代号 trade code59

蓝筹公司 blue chip company60

老鼠仓 rat trading60

美国主要经济指标 main index of American economy61

纳斯达克 Nasdaq62

牛市与熊市 bull market and bear market63

热钱 hot money64

市价面值比 price book value ratio,P/B65

停牌公告 announcement for trading suspense65

投资风险程度 risk level in investment66

限价买盘与限价卖盘 buy limit order and sell limit order66

相对强弱指数 RSI66

香港H股 “H”stock in HongKong market67

移动平均聚散线 moving average convergence divergence,MACD68

银行股数据 bank stock data69

止蚀盘 stop loss order70

指数移动平均线 exponential moving average,EMA70

重大事项披露 major event disclosure70

坐盘造市 take main position to make market71


暗地收集 collect shares secretly72

白衣武士 white knight72

边沿产品策略 edging product strategy73

标的反购 targeted repurchase73

并购程式 formula of merger73

并购形态 forms of merger74

并购诱因 reasons of acquisition(merger)74

超多数修正 supermajority amendment75

出价公司与目标公司 bidder and target firm75

垂直整合 vertical integration75

董事选举 director election76

毒药 poison pill76

对价 consideration76

恶意收购与善意合并 malicious merger and friendly merger76

防御策略 resistance strategy77

公开要约让渡 tender offer77

公司控制 company control78

购股会计法 purchase accounting method78

股权计划 share right plan,SRP79

固定选择 lock up79

冠上明珠 crown jewels79

管理层买入 management buyouts,MBO80

合并 merger80

合并溢酬 merger premium80

黄金降落伞 golden parachutes81

集团式收购 conglomerate acquisition81

焦土策略 scorched earth strategy81

接收 take over81

金色握手 happy shake hands82

累计投票选举法 cumulative voting82

利益结合会计法 pooling of interest accounting83

绿色盔甲 greenmail84

轮回选举 staggered election84

买“壳”上市 buy“shell”listing,或back door listing84

买票 buy shares85

免税收购与应税收购 tax free acquisition and taxable acquisition86

排他性自我让渡 exclusionary self tender86

全面收购 general offer86

全面收购触发点 the point of general offer87

鲨鱼反抗 shark repellent87

商誉 goodwill87

胜利者的诅咒 winner's curse87

剩余资金使用 surplus fund usage88

市场占有率 market share88

水平收购 horizontal acquisition88

私有化交易 going private transactions88

滩头策略 beach head strategy89

同意转让股份 agree to transfer shares89

吞并 annex89

委托书与委托书争夺战 proxy and proxy fight89

未利用的免税额 unused tax free line90

未使用的负债额 unused debt line90

无条件现金收购 unconditional cash offer90

无投票权股票 share without voting right91

暂停付款协议 standstill agreement91

直接投票选举 straight voting91

追击手 raider92

资本利得效果 capital gain effect92

资产收购 acquisition of assets92

资产增值效果 write up effect93


安全存货 safety stock94

本金 principal94

本票 promissory note95

边际成本 marginal cost95

边际收益 marginal revenue95

变动成本 variable cost96

补偿性余额 compensating balance97

财困成本 financial distress cost97

财务风险 financial risk97

财务杠杆 financial leverage97

财务困难 financial difficulties98

策略性选择 strategic option98

常态分配 normal distribution98

超额报酬 excess return99

沉入成本 sunk cost99

持有成本与短缺成本 carrying cost and shortage cost99

重复生息 compounding100

呆账准备 provision for doubtful debt100

代理成本 agency cost101

代理关系 agency relationship101

代理问题 agency problem101

独立需求 independent demand101

独立原则 stand alone principle102

独占公司 proprietary company102

非理性亢奋 irrational exuberance102

非流动资产的折旧 depreciation of non-current asset103

非市场索求权 non-marketed claim104

非系统风险 unsystematic risk104

非资金负债 unfunded debt104

费雪效果 Fisher effect104

分散投资 diversification105

分摊间接费用 spreading overhead105

风险溢酬 risk premium105

浮差 float105

负债 liabilities106

负债成本 debt cost106

负债与业主权益 liability and owner's equity107

副作用 side effect107

公用事业 public enterprise107

购买力平价理论 purchasing power parity,PPP108

孤注一掷法 pure play approach108

固定成本 fixed cost109

规模经济 economic of scale109

国际公司 international corporation109

合伙 partnership109

和解 composition110

互斥投资 mutually exclusive investment110

汇率风险 exchange rate risk111

货币交换 currency swap111

机会成本 opportunity cost112

及时存货 just in time,JIT inventory112

即期汇率 spot exchange rate112

交叉汇率 cross rate113

交易动机 transaction motive113

金融交换 swap113

金融交换合约 swap contract113

金融交换交易商 swap dealer114

金融交换选择权 swaptions114

经济反弹形态V、U、L economic rebounding appearance V、U、L114

经济风险 economic exposure115

净利与净损 net income and net loss115

净营运资金 net working capital115

绝对优先法则 absolute priority rule,APR116

开支与收入 expenditure and revenue(income)116

库藏股 treasury stock116

历史成本 historical cost117

利害关系人 stakeholders117

利率交换 interest rate swap117

利率上限和利率下限 interest rate cap and floor117

流动负债 current liability118

流动资产与非流动资产 current assets and non-current assets118

免税投资者 tax free investor119

名目报酬 nominal return119

偏价股 mispriced stock120

破产 bankruptcy120

破产成本 bankruptcy cost121

破产的间接成本 indirect bankruptcy cost121

破产的直接成本 direct bankruptcy cost122

破产清算 bankruptcy liquidation122

破产重整 bankruptcy reorganization122

情境分析 scenario analysis123

取得延误 availability delay123

权益减损 dilution123

三角套利 triangle arbitrage124

商业汇票 commercial draft124

商誉的归类 goodwill124

时间趋势分析 time trend analysis125

市场索求权 marketed claims125

事先包装的破产 premeditated bankruptcy126

收益递减规律 the law of diminishing return126

授信 credit127

双重课税 double taxation127

私下信息 private information127

同业分析 peer group analysis127

投机动机 speculative motive128

投资、投机与赌博 investment、speculative and gambling128

投资回报 return on investment129

投资组合风险 portfolio risk129

投资组合权数 portfolio right129

未来值 future value129

无限偿还责任 unlimited liability130

无形资产 intangible assets130

系统风险 systematic risk130

系统风险原则 systematic risk principle130

现金来源 sources of cash130

现金使用 uses of cash131

效率市场假说 efficient market hypothesis,EMH131

效率资本市场 efficient capital market131

新意 innovation132

信用额度 line of credit132

信用风险 credit risk133

信用证 letter of credit,L/C133

循环信用协议 revolving credit arrangement,或revolver133

业务风险 business risk133

银行同业拆款利息 interbank offered rate,IBOR133

应收账款融资 accounts receivable financing134

营业杠杆 operating leverage134

有限公司与独占及合伙公司 corporations versus proprietorship and partnership134

预防动机 precautionary motive135

预期回报和非预期回报 expected return and unexpected return136

远期汇率 forward exchange rate136

增额保留利润 addition to retained earnings136

展期 extension136

账面价值 book value137

政治风险 political risk137

质押 collateral137

钟形曲线 bell curve138

资本结构决策 capital structure decision138

资本密集项目 capital intensive project138

资本配额 capital rationing138

资本支出与收益支出 capital expenditures and revenue expenditures139

资产 assets139

资产与资本 assets and capital141

资金成本 cost of capital141

资源共享 share the same resources141

资源互补 make use of the same resources142

自营商市场与拍卖市场 dealer market and auction market142

总成本 total cost142

总括抵押 blanket mortgage143

最差状况与最佳状况 worst case and best case143



百分比回报 percentage return144

保留利润 retained earnings,或retained profit145

保留利润比率 retained earning ratio145

报酬金额 dollar return146

贝塔系数 beta coefficient146

变异数与标准差 variance and standard deviation146

财务资料披露 financial information disclosure147

长期负债与股东资本比率 long term debt/shareholder's capital147

超常成长 supernormal growth148

存货周转率 inventory turnover148

董事酬金占纯利润百分比 directors'fees/net profit148

法定股数和已发行股数 legal shares and issued shares149

非经常性盈亏 unusual gain/(loss)149

股东应占利润 net profit to shareholders149

股东资金回报率 return on shareholder's funds149

过去3年派息及发债记录 record of dividends and liabilities in past 3 years150

合法避税 avoid tax by legal way150

还本期间 payback period150

获利能力衡量值 profitability measures151

获利指数法 profitability index,或PI151

经营边际利润率 profit margin from operating activities151

净资产周转比率 net asset turnover152

利息支付能力比率 time interest covered152

流动比率 current ratio152

每股现收益率 current yield153

每股盈利 earnings per share,或EPS153

年度报告 annual report154

派息比率 dividend payout ratio155

权益回报率与资产回报率的区别 difference between ROE and ROA155

权益回报率 return on equity,ROE156

审计师报告 report of the auditors157

市盈率 price earnings ratio,或P/E ratio157

速动比率 quick ratio157

特殊收益处理 dispose of special gains158

息税前盈利 earning before interest and taxes,或EBIT158

应收账款周转率 accounts receivable turnover158

盈利警告 earning warning159

盈利预测 earning forecast159

营业总额 general turnover160

营运资金 working capital160

预期回报率 expected return,或return160

折旧摊销与营业额比率 depreciation and amortization/turnover161

中期业绩报告书 interim report161

资本利得收益率 capital gains yield162

资产回报率 return on assets,或ROA162

资产净值 net asset value163

总负债对股东资本比率 total liabilities to equity ratio163

总收益 total revenue,或total gain and loss163


持有人 holder164

除净 ex-all164

除权 ex-right165

除息 ex-dividends165

除息日 ex-dividends date165

大额股票股息 large stock dividends166

登记日 date of record166

发放日 date of payment166

非累积股息 non-cumulative dividends166

分配 distribution166

高股息与基金 high dividends rate and fund167

股东权益 shareholder's equity167

股票分割 stock split168

股票股息 stock dividends168

股票买回避税 repurchase stock to avoid tax168

股票买回和 EPS EPS in stock repurchase169

股息发放程序 procedure of dividends pay169

股息类别 dividends kinds170

股息投资 invest by dividends171

股息与股息发放率 dividends and payout ratio172

股息与利息 dividends and interests172

股息政策与市场反应 dividends policy and market reflection173

顾客群效果 clientele effect174

累积股息 cumulative dividends174

零成长股息 zero growth dividends174

派息 dividends distribute175

偏爱低股息因素 reasons of preference to lower dividends175

偏爱高股息因素 reasons of preference to higher dividends175

普通现金股息 regular cash dividends176

清算股利 liquidation dividends176

如何收息 how to get dividends176

剩余股息法 residual dividends approach177

特别股股息 preferreds stock dividends177

特别股特征 preferreds stock feature178

特别股与债券 preferred stock and bond178

小额股票股息 small stock dividends179

循环股息政策与稳定股息政策 cyclical dividends and stable dividends policy179

应计利息 calculative interests179

优先权 seniority179

优先认股权 preemptive right180

自动股息再投资计划 automatic dividends reinvestment plans,ADRs,或DRIPs180


保本基金 capital preservation funds181

保守基金 conservative funds182

保证基金 guaranteed funds183

标准普尔“Micropal”星号评级 S&P“Micropal”rating classes183

标准普尔货币基金评级 S&P money(currency)funds rating classes184

标准普尔债券基金评级及分类 S&P bond funds rating classes184

传统股票基金 traditional equity funds184

单位信托基金与互惠基金 unit trust funds and mutual funds185

对冲基金(传统) hedge funds(traditional)185

对冲基金(现代) hedge funds(new style)186

对冲基金的手段 hedge method187

非认可基金 unauthorized funds187

封闭式基金 close-ended funds188

高风险投机基金 high risk speculative funds188

共享利润基金 mutual bonus funds189

国库债券基金的稳定性 stability of treasury funds189

货币基金 money(currency)funds190

基金单位 fund units190

基金经营机构 fund management organization191

基金买卖收费 fund trade fee191

基金套利策略 fund arbitrage strategy191

基金投资法 fund invest method192

基金销售方式 fund sale method193

开放式基金 open-ended funds193

开放式基金的稳健性 stability of open-ended funds194

可转股债券套利基金 convertible bond funds194

免佣互惠基金 non-commission mutual funds195

欧洲大陆基金 European continental funds195

欧洲股票基金 European equity funds196

全球新兴市场债券基金 global emerging market bond funds197

认可基金 authorized funds198

认可基金管理人 administrator of authorized funds198

套利基金与对冲基金 arbitrage funds and hedge funds199

外汇基金债券 foreign currency fund bonds200

外汇基金债券庄家 market maker of foreign currency fund bonds200

由上而下投资法 top down approach200

由下而上投资法 bottom up approach201

债券基金风险 risk of bond funds201

债券基金个性 individuality of bond funds201

债券基金类别 fund kinds202

债券基金与债券的差别 different between bond funds and bonds202

指数基金 index funds203

中国概念基金 China concept funds203

中性市场基金 neutral market funds204


