中央银行外汇通函汇编 第61-140号【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 业务局编 著
- 出版社: 业务局
- 出版时间:1948
- 标注页数:181页
- 文件大小:5MB
- 文件页数:194页
- 主题词:
中央银行外汇通函汇编 第61-140号PDF格式电子书版下载
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62.Foreign Currency Notes1
61.Revised Foreign Trade Regulations1
六十一 函为修正进出口贸易办法希照办由1
六十二 函知不得承受外钞兑取外汇由2
64.Reports on Pre November 17 Transactions for Imports2
63.Exchange Positions2
六十三 函知外汇头寸应轧平由3
65.Weekly Reports Listing Separately Pre-zero and Post-zero Imports3
67.Reports on Pre November 17 Transactions for Imports4
68.Weekly Reports of Foreign Exchange Bought (Sold)4
66.Prescribed Form for Forwarding Applications4
六十四 函为规定十一月十七日以前进口货外汇交易列表各点希照办由4
69.Prior Approval for Personal Requirements5
71.Revised Form for Applications for Personal and Other Non-Import Requirements-CBC 6b (c)6
70.Validities of L C s and or A/P s6
六十六 函送转送申请书表式希照办由6
六十五 函为指定银行周报应将公布前及公布后所售进口货外汇分列由6
72.Sale of Exchange for Freight Charges and Marine Insurance Premiums on Export Shipments to Abroad7
六十七 函为催送十一月十七日以前进口货交易表报由8
六十八 函为各指定银行外汇周报应加列各项详情希照办由9
75.Sales of Exchange Against Import Licenses9
74.Import License,Form(IL III(a)1)Covering Import of Woollen Piece Goods,Tariff No.1229
六十九 函为个人需要之外汇应经事先核准由10
七十 函知信用状及委托购买证之有效期限希查照由10
76.Weekly Reports of Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold10
77.Government Bonus to Exports11
78.Change of Peso Notes Issued by the Philippine Government Into“Victory Notes”12
七十一 函送个人及非进口货需要外汇申请书修正表式由12
79.Government Bonus to Exports13
七十二 函知出口货运费水险保费之结汇规定由13
80.Export Bonus re Swiss Francs14
81.Cancellation of Circulars No.77,79 and 8014
82.Report of Outstanding Foreign Currency Accounts14
七十三 函知棉花输入办法希照办由14
83.Export Via Canton Hankow Railway15
85.Export Consignments16
84.Applications for Personal Requirements16
七十四 函知指定银行非经中央银行核准不得核发毛织品输入许可证由16
七十五 函知凭输入许可证结售外汇由17
七十六 函知购进及售出外汇周报各点希照办由18
87.Weekly Return on Exports18
86.Instructions re:Outstanding Consignments18
88.Re:Extension of Time Limit For Conversion of Pesos Notes19
89.Adoption of Military Payment Certificate by Armed Forces of the Unired States20
七十七 函为政府对出口货津贴由20
七十八 函知菲币掉换『胜利券』办法希查照由22
90.Exchange Cover for Overbought Sterling Balance Accumulated Prior to Feb.27th22
七十九 函知政府对出口货津贴各节由23
91.Re:Outstanding Consignment for Which Foreign Exchange Has Not Been Sold Prior to February 17th23
八十 函知瑞士法郎汇率由24
92.Re:Cancellation of Sales of Foreign Exchange Made by the Appointed Banks24
八十一 函知取销通函第七十七,七十九及八十等号由25
八十二 函为指定银行应报外币存款由25
93.Exportation of Goods Abroad from Wenchow25
八十三 函知由粤汉铁路装运出口货各节由26
94.Transportation of Ramies by Canton-Hankow Railway26
95.Special Arrangement for the Financing of Cotton Imports Under the February-April 1947 Quota27
八十四 函知个人需要外汇申请书应暂停收受由28
八十五 函知委托代售出口货结汇规定由29
97.Re:Extension of A P and L/C29
96.Re-purchase of Margins29
98.Applications for Extension of Credit and/or Authorities to Purchase30
八十六 函知现有委托代售货结汇办法由30
99.Materials Imported for Re-Export31
1OO.Sales of Foreign Exchange on Appointed Banks General Expenses32
101.Special Arrangement for the Financing of Cotton Imports Under the May-July 1947 Quota32
八十七 函知出口货外汇周报各节由32
102.Outstanding Consignment for Which Foreign Exchange Has Not Been Sold Prior to February 17,194733
103.Revised Regulations for Applications of Foreign Exchange on Non-Import Requirements Approved by the Executive Yuan33
八十八 函为菲币掉换限期展至二月底由33
八十九 函为美军军事付款证书事希查照由34
九十 函知指定银行二月廿七日以前累积超买英镑余额之补进各节由35
九十一 函知现有委托出售货在二月十七日以前尚未结售外汇之结汇办法由37
104.Applications for Non-Import Requirements Submitted by Outport Appointed Banks37
105.Freight and Marine Insurance Premium for Export Shipments37
107.Sales of Foreign Exchange for Licensed Imports38
106.Supporting Documents to Applications for Living and Travelling Expenses for Students Going Abroad to Study38
108.Revised Temporary Regulations with Regard to Trade and Foreign Exchange Transactions Promulgated Aug.18 194739
九十二 函知指定银行出售外汇应予取消时之处理办法由40
九十三 函准输出推广会函转知温州出口货物结汇办法由41
109.Daily Exchange Reports41
九十四 函知由粤汉铁路装运苧麻办法由42
110.New form for Applications of Foreign Exchange on Non-Import Requirements42
111.Export Consignment42
112.Sales of Foreign Exchange for Appointed Banks’General Expenses43
113.Re:Sale of Foreign Exchange Covering Travelling and Living Expenses for Students Going Abroad to Study44
九十五 函知本年二月至四月限额棉花输入结汇特别办法由44
114.Usance for Sales and Purchases44
115.Special Facilities for Exchange Settlement for Approved Applications During Transitional Period of August 194745
116.Sales of Foreign Exchange for Appointed Banks’General Expenses46
117.Re:Sales of Foreign Exchange Under Approved Applications Covering Travelling and/or Living Expenses for Students Already Studying Abroad47
九十六 函知买回外汇保证金汇率由47
118.Sales of Foreign Exchange for Licensed Imports47
119.Re:Procedural Instructions Regarding Application for Foreign Exchange Covering Self-Supporting Students’Repuirements48
九十七 函知信用状及委托购买证展期办法由48
九十八 函知关于进口货信用状及委托购买证展期之申请办法由48
九十九 函为准输出推广会函转知申请输入出口货制造原料办法由50
一○○ 函为指定银行经常费用外汇须经核准后结售由51
一○一 函知本年五月至七月限额棉花输入结汇特别办法由51
120.Supplementary Instructions regarding Applications for Foreign Exchange by Self-Supporting Students53
一○二 函知委托代售货在二月十七日以前未结售外汇者再予展期由53
一○三 函录非进口货外汇申请办法修正案希查照由53
122.Re:Export of Chinese Produce Through Hongkong54
121.Resale of Exchange on Expired Letters of Credit and/or Authorities to Purchase54
123.Re:Sales of Exchange for Imports of Cotton,Rice,Wheat, Flour and Coal (Coke)55
124.Daily Reports Weekly Summary Reports of Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold55
125.Financing Trade with Different Currency Areas57
一○四 函知各地非进口货外汇申请书由上海各行转送由57
一○五 函知出口货运费及保险费外汇之结汇列报办法由58
127.Re:Export of Chinese Produce through Macao58
126.U.S.Dollar Savings Certificate and/or Foreign Currency Bonds issued by the Chinese Government58
128.Re:Applications for purchase of foreign exchange at official rate of exchange covering the difference between the living expenses and the scholarship by self-supporting students under paragraph 10 of the Regulations59
一○六 函知自费出国留学生外汇申请书应具证件由59
一○七 函知各行应切实履行许可进口货结汇各节由60
130.Agent s Commission on Exports60
129.Export Endorsement60
一○八 函知修正临时输出入贸易及管理外汇办法由61
131.Re:Settlement of Foreign Exchange under Import License61
132.Regulations Governing Importation Exportation of Foreign Currency Securities62
133.Importation of Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Export Goods63
134.Re:Working Procedure for Exchange Surrender Certificate Transactions64
一○九 函为检送外汇日报表式样本由65
一一○ 函为检送非进口货外汇申请书新表式由66
一一一 函为出口寄售货物外汇清结办法由66
一一二 函知指定银行经常开支外汇之结售希查照由68
136.Re:Working Procedure for Exchange Surrender Certificate Transactions69
135.Cancellation of Circular No.13169
一一三 函知留学生旅费及生活费外汇之结售希查照由69
137.Licenses Issued with Specified Instructions70
138.Conversion Rates for Issuance of Exchange Surrender Certificate70
一一四 函知远期外汇各期汇率差数希查照由70
139.Re:Settlement of Exchange under Applications for Foreign Exchange on Non-Import Requirements approved by us prior to May 31st,194871
140.Increase of Balance on the Appointed Banks Certificate Account71
一一五 函知本年八月过渡期间核准申请书之特别通融结汇办法希查照由71
一一六 函知关于各指定银行经常开支外汇之结售希查照由73
一一七 为经已核准之已在国外肄业自费留学生旅费生活费申请书可按市价结汇由74
一一八 函知许可进口货外汇之结售希查照由74
一一九 函为关于自费留学生申请结汇手续由75
一二○ 函知自费留学生申请外汇补充规定由81
一二一 函知过期信用状委托购买证之外汇应即重售本行由82
一二二 函为运香港转出口之桐油等国产规定办法由83
一二三 函知输入棉花米麦面粉煤焦照平衡会市价结汇由84
一二四 函知外汇日报及总结周报列报规定由85
一二五 函知进出口货分别以各国货币结汇由88
一二六 函知美金节约储蓄券等不得用以申请进口货外汇由89
一二七 函知国产经由澳门出口规定由90
一二八 函知照公自费生结购外汇规则第十条规定自费生按官价汇率结购生活费及奖学金之差额外汇由91
一二九 函知出口结汇申请书(Form CBC 8a Revised)签发背书由92
一三○ 函知出口佣金结汇由93
一三一 函知关于输入许可证结汇办法由94
一三二 函知外币债券股票进出口规定由96
一三三 函知输入制造出口货所需原料结汇办法由98
一三四 函知关于结汇证明书使用办法由99
一三五 函知通函第一三一号注销由105
一三六 函知关于结汇证明书使用办法第二十八节之说明由106
一三七 函知本年五月卅一日前输入许可证结汇规定由107
一三八 函知发给结汇证明书之外汇折合率由108
一三九 函知五月三十一日前核准之非进口货外汇无需缴交结汇证明书由109
一四○ 函知提高结汇证明书往来户余额由110
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